Recent content by FreeLivin

  1. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Thanks for the replies, Sativa if you find anything out would you please let me know, thank you very much. 4ThePeople
  2. FreeLivin

    A Quick Question

    Hey Snoyl, I know there are a lot of opinions about pot size and topping, I can only tell you about my experiences. I started 3 in solo cups not fully understanding how the auto works diff than reg photos. Here's what I noticed, I transplanted 1 a week earlier than the other 2 and although it...
  3. FreeLivin

    Police Infared

    HydroDawg is 100% correct, without a warrant and probable cause if someone in the States is busted using an IR detector it is inadmissible in court. Granted it still happens, they will lie and say it was a random fly/drive by and you will have to go through the troubles these f*cks cause to...
  4. FreeLivin

    Single Cola

    Topping would be a no no for someone trying to grow to it's full potential, however if he wants to have a small stealth grow he can top them to stunt them and keep them smaller.. 4ThePeople
  5. FreeLivin

    Single Cola

    Hey Hillbilly, I'm a noobie for the most part so I can't necessarily tell you which strains are predominantly smaller since I've only grown a few diff strains. However, I can tell you aside from checking into each strain from wherever you purchase (They usually give a general size expectancy)...
  6. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Ok, Thanks Tiki, I will discontinue h202 use, I started flushing my CC today and the other two will not get that any longer. Thanks for your help. 4ThePeople
  7. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Thanks, Ok I will discontinue the h202. Prob a stupid question if you don't mind, if it kills the good microbes does it not kill the bad ones too? Like I mentioned I had only used it cause it had been recommended, but in a small dose, so I'm not partial. So basically the only other way to get...
  8. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Hey Tiki, thanks for the reply. So do you think I should cut out the little bit of HP? What are some of the significant downfalls to losing the microbial activity? Sorry if they're stupid questions, I had just gone based off what a few others recommended on another site and a few articles I've...
  9. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Hey Tikitoker, thanks for the response. I hadn't noticed any signs of mold, prob cause I do have higher temps and fans on them, but I wanted to be on the safe side. As for the hydrogen peroxide, I had read in a few diff places that a little bit is very beneficial for numerous reason but hadn't...
  10. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Hey Weedow, Ben, thanks. Seems my Rh will be under control for a lil while since temps are dropping, since I'm growing outdoors technically I get outdoor weather, so my temps had been kinda high when my RH was higher as well, with fans on them, so hopefully that kinda balanced it out, I hadn't...
  11. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Thank you Alwaysgreen420, I think I stunted two of them but the CC is producing some nice buds, I kinda did a lil lst on her, just a little and the WW is just small at about 20", but the NL is 37" and just starting to bud, hopefully she'll produce a decent amount. The RH has been steady...
  12. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Hey, Sand4x105, I placed it right atop the bud site, it's a little hot this evening apparently but is supposed to get down to mid 60's tonight. It is currently reading RH 45 and Temp 86, it usually doesn't get higher than 82, but the door had been relatively closed this evening, I'm looking at...
  13. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Ok,Thank you for the responses. I am growing white widow, cream caramel and northern lights, my grow room is approx 8x4x7, I have an 16" oscillating fan on them and an 6" out and in, but I tend to keep the door open a lot of the time to keep temps down cause it's still not enough yet since where...
  14. FreeLivin

    Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?

    Hey everyone, I have a question that I kinda know the answer to but want to see what the limits are. I have a room built outside and where I'm at has high RH to begin with. So during veg RH was around 65-80 and now it's in flowering and is around 60-70 with a little higher temps still sitting...
  15. FreeLivin

    Bonzaseeds Experience

    Hey everyone, guess I'm bored and wanted to write something. I recently placed my first order with Bonza and I have to admit that I was a lil concerned at first too, I had ordered 2 strains, 4 seeds and hoped I wouldn't need the guarantee, screwed up,found another strain I wanted & ordered it...