Recent content by ftot

  1. F

    Everything ive tried isnt working help would be awesome. First Grow

    update.. she is to the point where i need to water her again. i believe i am going to repot it so that i can check the roots. could heat stress help do this? my temp is around 75 thoughout and spikes midday for 3ish hours at around 82-85 she is looking worse and worse. im getting a tds tester...
  2. F

    Everything ive tried isnt working help would be awesome. First Grow

    the runoff was around 7.3-7.5 pH. i flushed until i got it down to 6.6. I wish i could check PPMs thats my next paychecks buy. suggestions for compost tea? should i use the guanos i have?
  3. F

    Everything ive tried isnt working help would be awesome. First Grow

    I have a 55 day old Blue Pineapple. I started it with 2 24" t5's and 3 42 watt cfl's. Currently it is under 4 48inch 216watt t5's. Started from seed. was fine the first month in top soil with worm castings, Indonesian bat guano, and Mexican bat guano. the last month i have tried everything...