Recent content by Galileo

  1. G

    CO2 And Scrubb

    So the carbon filter does pick up the CO2 molecules.. I have been reading many forums about people asking similar questions and the general answer is that you need a closed loop system. I wish I didn't have to deal with re-doing the duct work. Is there a different way? What if I just turn the...
  2. G

    CO2 And Scrubb

    Simple question; the room is set-up Scrubber:fan>duct>hood>duct>hood>duct>out to the basement. Wondering about CO2. Would you turn the Scrubber:fan off while CO2 is on? I know the scrubber does not filter the CO2, but would you leave it on or off while CO2 is on? The other fans will be with the...
  3. G

    56 days flowering blackberry (pics)

    Oh i forgot about this post. Well, it turned out to be very good. I think I waited a week longer and it didn't affect the plant. Great smoke, now is all gone. :(
  4. G

    56 days flowering blackberry (pics)

    Thanks for the replies. I will give her one more week for sure. I believe if you have second thoughts about harvesting you shouldn't do it until further consulting. Anyway, there is a chance that I'll find some seed. I had a hermie in the early flowering period, but my blackberry and a...
  5. G

    56 days flowering blackberry (pics)

    Im at day 56 of flowering my Blackberry (Nirv. Seeds). I was going to harvest her completely today, but I had second thoughts. What's your opinion? By looking at the trics under the microscope, many of them looked gray-ish, but still some clear ones can be found. It has plenty of brown hair as...
  6. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    Well, I moved it a little bit. I'm just going to wait and see what I can get. At least I know that I'm getting a lot of experience with this project of mine. Hahah. How's the drying/curing process coming along for yours green?
  7. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    Alright, so I tried to do some LST for the plant, but I'm scare that if I pull it too much it will bend the main stem in a way that it won't come back up or it will break or something. Anyway, do you think that I should pull the plant more, or should I leave it like that?
  8. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    That sounds extremely interesting. I'm going to do that today. This growing process just keeps getting more and more exciting. Thanks for the advice. I'll welcome more.
  9. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    I really haven't thought about that at all. What would it be the best way to go about doing that. To tell you the truth I'm not that familiar with it, but from what I have read before it sounds like it might work well.
  10. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    Damn, I've been kind of lucky then because I've been watering once everyday, normally at night right before the lights turn off. I used Pure Blend Pro Grow, but I only used it once and it was a bit over 3 weeks ago. Other than that, molasses and water is all I've been adding.
  11. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    Sop green! those pictures of yours look just great!!! My girl is at about week 4 of the flowering period. How often were you watering your lady at that point?
  12. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    hey hey I haven't forgot about this blog and I got some more pictures. I've been adding molasses as well as a bit of a different nutrient and the plant seems to be doing great. It has a ton of hair, and overall for being my first female grow ever, I think it is fairly good. However, I feel like...
  13. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    hey guys, I've been very busy studying and working, but I just took some pictures and she seems to be doing great. I was going to buy the molasses, but a friend of mine who used to grow his own stuff gave me a container of pure blend pro grow and some liquid karma and I've been using those for...
  14. G

    My Second Try of the Year!

    Great. Sunday once I get back from my little trip this weekend, I'll get it and apply it! I can't wait.