Recent content by Gianttee

  1. Gianttee

    The Leprechaun's Pot O Gold

    Pretty blown away by your gardening style, you sure have it dialled in. i couldn't see anywhere how much you water and how often? also what ec you run your nutes at, if you care to share. Nice plants, sure is rewarding having them, looks like they throughly enjoy your company too. from all the...
  2. Gianttee

    A Gram Per Watt? How?

    Thanks! i will enjoy reading it im sure
  3. Gianttee

    A Gram Per Watt? How?

    i would be interested to know your techniques RM3, ive read about you using T5's and 3o mins downtime at 6.5 hours, is this what you recommend for flower or veg aswell? and are you growing in soil or coco, and whats your water/feed schedule? they are quite impressive plants you grow!
  4. Gianttee

    Plz HELP! Veg n flower everything messed up!

    ps i dont think that is phos deficiently, to me that is a sign of fungus gnats in your soil.
  5. Gianttee

    Plz HELP! Veg n flower everything messed up!

    hiya, after looking at the pics i can see a few things going on. number one is it looks like the gnats have larvae in the soil which will be eating away at the roots, there are a few biological controls ie good bacteria which can correct that. make sure you get the one specific for fungus gnats...
  6. Gianttee

    Starting a new grow fresh genetics

    looking good. my only advice would be not to grow on carpet!! it will get ruined, pretty easy to make a drip tray for run off into a waste sump :-) i think carpet can harbour mites and make it harder to eradicate them too.
  7. Gianttee

    Need some opinions

    looks good to switch it. invest in some good nutes, always pays off.
  8. Gianttee

    Is this bud rot or something else?

    reduced the watering and had excellent air flow and it still went bad :-| i think on my earlier crop that didnt get infected i used colloidal silver in the res and a mirco kill spray that was citric acid base. good luck to any one that encounters it.
  9. Gianttee

    Is this bud rot or something else?

    ive never found mites involved with it, can normally spot them. seems to be a bit of a mystery and is strain specific. i think its a ocean pearl strain, loves nutes but will cause it to rot late, still performs on low ec but going to cross breed it with something hardier.
  10. Gianttee

    2 Weeks - Clones not rooting :-/

    cuttings look healthy, sometimes i find that if the mother is growing slow the clones takes ages. i also don't have so much foliage on my clones. the rock wool should weigh about 45-50grams without the clone. its hard to say but yours look a little too wet. mine tend to have dry spots on the...
  11. Gianttee

    Do they look close or ready?

    need close up pics of the trichs! best guess is a few days to a week to go
  12. Gianttee

    Opinions on my Outdoor this year. Australian grow.

    i would defiantly top those tall skinny ones.all personal preference but i would cut the top 1/3 of the skinny talls, but some people like to grow fishing poles so whatever you fancy. they will fall over full of bud and it will be a mission to stake them up in those pots. they look healthy...
  13. Gianttee

    Is this bud rot or something else?

    have exactly the same problem, thought it was too much pk, but now i think it has to do with over watering. always happens late in flower, but its not bud rot. have tried heaps of different things to help it, had a couple of successful runs but then it came back. doesn't happen to other strains...
  14. Gianttee

    Fresh seeds struggling to sprout!

    thanks everyone, thought i produced dud seeds but will dry them out and try again in a month or two :-) God i love this forum, that has made my day :-)
  15. Gianttee

    Fresh seeds struggling to sprout!

    i also reverse pollinated off the hybrid, then pollinated another hybrid. And pollinated a stabilised plant as well but still waiting for those seeds