Recent content by gramshollywood

  1. G

    is it white widow or jack the ripper?

    Thank you! I found the ww in late veg ..and read back to mays calendar to current to follow my notes ...and it must be jtr. however, I cloned it myself from early flower and never expected it to look so much better than my past plants from an experienced veg cloner. especially as the last 2...
  2. G

    is it white widow or jack the ripper?

    too much happened at once and inherited grow room. that required shutting down. the veg room remained active,not sure if it was my last jr clone or first white widow clone put into flower room. it was stretchy, looked mostly saliva, developed flowers early ,medium sized ,took 67 days, buds were...
  3. G

    wrinled leaves and curly stems.

    ph 6.1 on the veg,using a water filter ..mites hun/?? I some power wash is that good? I will read up on the broad mites and try approaching that as a possible. even with a scope the ms has effected my eyes and it is hard to see something that small.but I will research and look for other signs...
  4. G

    wrinled leaves and curly stems.

    wow.. we have watered like this per kids instructions for three years!! I grew outdoors in the triangle as a young mum in the woods many moons ago. but never indoors and he gives all the *rules* . I will let everyone dry out ...all I can do is follow some different advice! thank you for your...
  5. G

    wrinled leaves and curly stems.

    ok so, ask me anything and don't even worry about feelings , I am here to learn .. growing w partners son. we have veg at 6 weeks that suddenly wilted. I have ms and had partner water. he watered at 5 gallons to 4 veg in 3 gallon bags. figured they were thirsty as I usually water more. but...
  6. G

    Read This First!

    ok. so grow indoors, use mills -med strength going from low to high as weeks go on.. and plants seem stable and they did not experience stress prior and suddenly plants at week 7 1/2 turn morphodite ,nothing changed other than storm than had a power outage for 8 hours during their 12 hour...