Recent content by Grandlord

  1. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Almost a week into flower. I think i see the beginings of hairs on one plant so far
  2. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    I use 7 cups of sugar 1.5 gallons water and live yeast frenchmans one jar
  3. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Topping done, 4 days into flower 12/12. sh nutes 1/4 strenth day one now up to full strenth. Ph has gone up by I fixed it early on.
  4. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    I dont really understand how to top. All the illistrations dont make sense to me. Any thoughts welcome -:peace:
  5. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Day 37 Ph 5.7 temp 74. Looking great. I will put 4 into flower next Saturday and hold the remaining 3 in veg for another 3 to 4 weeks. Here are todays pics
  6. Grandlord

    DWC/bubbleponics using hps's (the pro choice of lighting)

    I did the same thing. the girls love it.
  7. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Thanks, Im told the solution lasts 2 weeks. I need to change mine out tonight.
  8. Grandlord

    Taking weed on amtrak?

    Yea Amtrak dosent care. I took several trips from sd to santa barbara no worries. Good luck brother.
  9. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    New pics of the day. Ph is holding at 5.8 -5.85 \ Changed out the nutes/water yesterday. I used tap and let it sit for two days b4 I changed to let the clorine dissapate so as not to kill the micros. All looks well so far
  10. Grandlord

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    That F'ing sucks bro, I hope you find a new home for your girls.
  11. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Thank you so much. We will take all the positive energy you give. I talk to them everyday. I dont know if its normal but I really dont care. They are thriving right now i cant ask for more than that. I really dont know how long they need to stay in veg. Should they get to a certain height...
  12. Grandlord

    Can I use hydro nutes in soil?

    Cool thanks
  13. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Your so right, I was sick over it. I mean just ill. nothing worse than failer. Thanks man
  14. Grandlord

    Journal ak47 hydro

    Well their doing well day 33 and recoverying just fine so far. keeping ph at 5.8. The odor is comming back strong. I bought some mylar 2mm for better lighting. Waiting for some xtra dough to get more light.