Recent content by GreenMustachio

  1. G

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Awesome Thread guys, very informative stuff. You have all helped me decide to go the route of CFL's. I hope to have something started very soon. I may even start a little grow journal. Thank you again for all the resources and info. Peace, and happy growing.
  2. G

    Growbag SOG, a Few non-noob questions

    Yo, Ap0c0leS, Im a SOG grower too. Im growing in a 4x4 closet, with a 600 watt hps. The first thing that i would do is get bigger bags. 1 gallon bags are gonna cramp your root system, your girls will only be as healthy as your roots. Also, another little problem with small containers are that...