Recent content by grexwtf

  1. grexwtf

    Show your talent by posting some comix that youve made while fucked up or even sober.

    it looks like something from frank millers sin city. you should definately continue with it and see what you can make then post it up on here
  2. grexwtf

    Show your talent by posting some comix that youve made while fucked up or even sober.

    There hasnt really been any good comix out lately and id like to see what the new age has to offer. Some psychadelic comix like the ones Harvey Kurtzman, Richard Crumb, Gilbert Shelton have wrote. Some crazy super hero comix like KickAss, Wanted and Deadpool. if it be comics or comix were all...
  3. grexwtf

    Alcohol Tincture

    i was thinking about doing it under the tongue since it has the same receptors as in your eyes and nose. thanks for the advice ill let you know if it works
  4. grexwtf

    Alcohol Tincture

    alright i made the hot extraction and it turned out to be less than 1oz in the end. it still smells like everclear but its really brownish/green with a hint of the smell of marijuana. i let it sit out for about 2 hours and put a drop in my eye. it stung like a mother fucker and my eye was mad...