Recent content by growLIGHT

  1. growLIGHT

    13 days from germinated bag seed (soil tray grow)

    i have been growing for about a moth and my plants are not as big as yours may be because i have a plant light the box said it works just like sun light and got good soil in the day time i put them outside an befor the sun goes down i put them under the light till i go to bed any tips
  2. growLIGHT

    shower cubicle grow

    how old does my plant need to be befor flowering my baby is 3inc about 2cm should i start now
  3. growLIGHT

    help my baby

    this is my 2nd time growing and i need some help iam low on money just like many others so i got a out side bulb that gives alot of heat is that ok i also mixed potting soil an outside dirt together and added some fertitlizer stick the first time growing they did well for about 3 week then i...