Recent content by HarleyGrower

  1. HarleyGrower

    Is the sex showing?

    You need to look for the sex right at the junction of the fan leaves and branches. This is a female. The Male has pollen sacks that look like balls
  2. HarleyGrower

    New grower curing question

    Yes. I usually dry a minimum of 7 days in 50% RH. After trying a multitude of cures for some very dank weed, i consulted guys who have been doing this for 20+ years. Every single old timer said that the best way to cure is to put it in a grocery sack, roll it closed, and flip your weed around...
  3. HarleyGrower

    MI 1st time grower...

    Yes. All my outdoor plants are purpling now too
  4. HarleyGrower

    MI 1st time grower...

    I live in Michigan too. You will need cal-mag through your entire grow. If there were a 4th # on the nutrients it would be N-P-K-Ca. You should stop the Nitrogen by week 3 of flower. You should use a nice flower nutrient starting in week 1 of flower with an NPK of 0-15-18, or something like...
  5. HarleyGrower

    How Cold Can Cannabis Tolerate?

    I know outdoor growers here in Michigan that harvest late October/ November. By then we've had more than a few frosty mornings. One guy's Hindu Kush has tested as high as 28.6%! OUTDOORS... That's cold ass Michigan and not California.
  6. HarleyGrower

    How Cold Can Cannabis Tolerate?

    Trichoms are not water soluable. They will however be more likely to break off in cold, windy conditions. That's one of the reasons indoor weed is usually stronger than outdoor, although i know a Grower here in South Eastern Michigan that routinely produces +26% Hindu Kush, outdoors, every...