Recent content by herbderby

  1. H

    grow green raided 5/7/13

    im a customer @ growgreenmi and I went later day and they were open and doing business and they said that nothing related to medical files were taken just bankroll stuff dont think they would have their computers and everything still if it they were really shipping pounds out through ups...
  2. H

    Can TGA strains handle intense light?

    classic heat stress. leaves need to be no more than 78 deg F, otherwise all you do is transpire your water.
  3. H

    what kind of powdered cal mag should i use for super soil??

    actually, you are looking for dolomitic limestone.
  4. H

    Super Soil ingredients ?'s

    hydrated lime is not dolomite lime! hydrated lime will not work in place of dolomite lime. go find dolomite lime(dolomitic limestone or dolomite) or your super soil will be incomplete
  5. H

    Too Much UV-B Light Damaging to Plants?

    i run 4 13w repitsun cfls and a 2 foot reptisun t8, both uvb 10.0. i do this for all of flower(12 hours a day) and my resin production is excellent.
  6. H

    Super Soil Question - What Should I Ph My Water to?

    i use to ph to 6.5, however I now do 7 because it's easier not only do you get the most accurate reading from your meter, but even the cheaper ph pens can accurately identify neutral solutions when using RO water that is low in minerals(0-30ppm) you have no buffering ability(edit:almost none)...
  7. H

    Added 2 much humic powder to my supersoil ...Can I fix my screw up

    you will be just fine! no need to add anymore humic acid though(ever!)
  8. H

    very strange occurence?

    so your plant has 3 sets of chromosomes. perhaps you -foliate, rather than -ploid, is the suffix you seek?
  9. H

    Vaporizer question

    If you are vaporizing marijuana you should use 185 Celsius. Took me about a pound of marijuana to decide what the best was, but I can tell you that 185 is the shit. I get compliments on the smoothness every day, then again it is a digi D: 185 C
  10. H

    can one honestly grow this stuff?

    The entire human race is alive today because plants were grow in soil. Its definitely possible. Give it another shot, it's really not that hard.