Recent content by hidethefetus

  1. H

    Harvest Question

    i recently tried white widow in my growing process! my buds came out dense went through all the measures of drying and curing. well, the buds when dried came out super fluffy. is this just the nature of this strain? i mean they look and feel real dense when i harvested. trichs were amber and...
  2. H

    3 white widow plants?

    i have three that have been in flower for 14 weeks now......they still have about 40% white hairs. no micro scope here....i used a magnifying glass though....they look clear still. i use t5's....some people say i have two more weeks but i heard that two weeks ago.....wish i wouldn't have...
  3. H

    has this happened to anyone?

    i tried using my phones camera with the macro setting but it's kind of blurry when i zoom in!
  4. H

    has this happened to anyone?

    wish i had a camera to take such pictures but, i don't at the moment! do they just turn over night sometimes or what?
  5. H

    has this happened to anyone?

    the thing is covered in's white widow
  6. H

    has this happened to anyone?

    this is my second grow and i use fox farm tiger bloom and big bloom! i use sunleaves t-5 bloom bulbs and they are about 3 inches from the tops of the plants. i just haven't seen and more amber hairs what so ever in the last couple weeks.
  7. H

    has this happened to anyone?

    ok i'm in my 12th week of flower and i flushed about 3 weeks ago and i still have white hairs and little signs of growth going on. i thought this was a 8 to 10 week deal but my white hairs that are remaining aren't turning amber......i don't have a micro scope yet so i can't check my trich's...
  8. H

    i flushed a week and a half ago!

    i have two weeks left. i was wondering if this is going to effect the potency of my buds?
  9. H

    do these white widows look done to you?

    last question! i flushed a week a go maybe a few days more than that give or take. is this a bad thing or will it just slow down on the bud production? i don't want to lose any potency. will flushing to early do so?
  10. H

    do these white widows look done to you?

    i know i have to wait till they ripen all the way but has anyone cut them down at this point and what type of high did you get from the buds?
  11. H

    do these white widows look done to you?

    ok cool cause they have been going 9 weeks and i already flushed a week ago. i'm using t5's so that's probably a factor right?
  12. H

    do these white widows look done to you?

    curious if i should chop or not?
  13. H

    one of my clone is flowering please help!

    lol its only 5 inches tall tho...gotcha tho
  14. H

    one of my clone is flowering please help!

    ok so will it revert back to a vegetative state?
  15. H

    my clone that i cloned during vegging is flowering! please help

    is this normal cause i keep them under 24/7 lighting