Recent content by Ikilledthepromqueen

  1. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    I was in tears nearly Started smashing up my garden Yeah Daz got it nearly right...basically my garden got vandalized by some pricks I have beef with, and I had them in a nettle bush for a tad cover eh And they were enjoyin the sun aswell And when my Dad was showin them the damage n that, they...
  2. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Police took them My garden had been vandalized, and my dad was showing them and giving a statement, and they found the plants Lucky enough it was a communal garden, so if nobody in our stair owned up, nobody got busted Although my neighbour had to get rid of his NL5xHaze plants :( I was in tears...
  3. I

    Zebra Plant

    Looks like a N defiency to me man Give em a dose of something N heavy, but still keep the bloom nuts if you're still using em Or a half dose of both (Y)
  4. I

    All leaves are dying and now even bud leaves are going fast. HELP!!!

    I'd flush then transplant As doing both might cos the plants too much stress Seeing as their changing enviroment a bit more than just if they were to transplant Good luck man, looks like a nice crop too :(
  5. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    :shock:Had a bit of trouble with the five-o:shock: Should be cool now tho, someone tipped them off about my grow, so I've got em in a rubbermaid tub in my garden It's decent enough weather the now so they shouldn't come to much harm 400w arrives when my neighbour leaves for holiday sometime...
  6. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Will do man Gonna upload photo's soon They're doin ok, I over fed them Miracle Gro so it's back onto the water for a few weeks They seem to be taking to the coco quite well too The leaves at the node of the topped one grew up at a near vertical angle and burnt a bit on one of the fingers...
  7. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Right, I'm actually getting my shit together Transplanted the 2 WW's into Coco, and took a little cutting for a neighbour of mine, who's lending me a 400w HPS in the next week or too And gave me the coco and some gear for free And I smoked THE best shit of my life last night...this guy has...
  8. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Right Changed again Converted my fireplace, gonna add the mylar I bought to it tomorrow Got it under the 2 cfls just now Also found this shop that sells complete fixtures without the bulb for like 2 quid PERFECT :) And the bulbs are 79p The plants are doin well, but the indica was a tad...
  9. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    There's hardly a fire hazard with CFL's and a flouro And I've got some mylar type shit today, just using what I had kickin around And I've never heard of peoples box's rotting durin grows...
  10. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Hey everyone Sorry not been online in a while Didn't feel the need as there was no updates But there is now :) Got the timer set to 18/6. Got a fan that I put on for most of the day with the grow box doors open, since theres no room for it in there :L Got another couple lighting fixtures...
  11. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Alright I'll try n get a hold of a pH measuring thingmy xD And I'm glad it's nothin to worry about :) Was shitting myself, cos I was thinkin if that was the only one to turn out female, and then it was a mongo xD But yeah I really hope they're all female, doubt it tho But I suppose wishful...
  12. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Harro people Couldn't go on that fuckin shop :cuss: Couldn't get cash But yeah I changed that daylight bulb to a much more powerful bulb, gives out over 1200 lumens Dno what spectrum tho, but I figured a shit load of lumens in a not perfect, but usuable spectrum was better than a few in the...
  13. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    :eyesmoke:Nice one Yeah I've got em pretty close And I'm going on to BnQ tomorrow for a proper spending session More fixtures and I'll get a fan and some mylar from a supermarket And yeah I think I might actually have a timer somewhere come to think of it I shall ask the old man ^^ Yeah I was...
  14. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Areet time for another update Moved the lights closer and added a 3500k CFL And the growth has shot right up, I'm pretty pleased:) Gonna go on a wee spending spree and get more lighting fixtures and some mylar very soon I need to like xD But yeah heres pics of them I've not got a timer just now...
  15. I

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Nah I live in sunny sunny Scotland mate xD Nae sun ever reaches this desolate shitehole xD Nah I did have them on the windowsill in the pots with a clingfilm cover to germinate, minus one of them I just dropped in water But the weather is so fucking changeable, like last week was blaring sun...