Recent content by Ikky

  1. Ikky

    handheld microscope

    I tried the jeweler's loupe on my plants today and it worked great. I don't know what the magnification is on it but I could see the trichomes very clearly most are still milky white I'm going to wait.
  2. Ikky

    Top Cola looks done

    I was reading the harvesting and curing sticky and I think it could go a little longer I don't want to harvest too early! but I've been out of weed for 4 months now and I'm getting a little impatient! :wall: thanks for your help
  3. Ikky

    Top Cola looks done

    Trichs look milky and there hasn't been any new growth on the top cola for awhile. maybe I'll try to tie it to the side so the ones underneath will get more light from the HPS. Thanks MJD
  4. Ikky

    Top Cola looks done

    If the top cola looks done, can I cut it and leave the rest of the plant continue blooming or will it kill the plant? this plant grew outside and I just brought it inside before a frost so it would finish blooming.
  5. Ikky

    General Questions/Concerns/Rant from a Guy Considering Growing (long)

    maybe I got a little carried away but I used to be able to get some really good weed but in the last five years the quality has went way down in my area.
  6. Ikky

    3-4 day old seeds

    looks a little dry does it need water?
  7. Ikky

    Male plants

    did you clone a male?!
  8. Ikky

    Male plants

    on the 2nd pic it does look like males but they must clones right?
  9. Ikky

    Methadone withdrawls

    Wow i have had a few addiction problems myself and I think I know a little bit of how you feel. mine is booze and coke and weed has helped me a lot if I have weed I don't need the booze or coke I don't know if I"m just trading one addiction for another but I haven't done coke for over a year...
  10. Ikky

    Fan question

    If it's an oscillating fan I would say yes I wouldn't just put a fan blowing strait on them if it didn't oscillate IMO.
  11. Ikky

    handheld microscope

    Thanks MJD I just haven't tried it on pot yet so I don't really know what I'm talking about can't you just tell if like 70% of the hairs turn brown/red ? depending on what type of high you want at least that's what I've read.
  12. Ikky


    I haven't transplanted pot before so I don't know if it's the same but I used to work in a green house and transplanted many different kinds of plants and never had a problem. just wet it really well tap it out of the pot remove the soil that you can and put in a pot 1/2 full of soil and hold...
  13. Ikky

    2 quick easy questions

    wow, some are just red are they not? -noob
  14. Ikky

    handheld microscope

    yeah don't listen to me I'm a noob
  15. Ikky

    handheld microscope

    I asked a jeweler if he had an old jeweler's loupe I could buy I use if for coins but I'm going to try it on bud here in a couple of weeks.