Recent content by itsamedicalneed

  1. itsamedicalneed

    How to kill Spider Mites

    I would just use this They sell other insects that will kill the spider mite.
  2. itsamedicalneed

    Lighting setup

    I have a 2foot 18W Grolux light Will this grow my Mj or do i need more light. Other then that i have a 32W Daylight CFL and a bunch of 20W normal CFLS I can get a additional 2foot grolux. I have £40 i can spend on lighting. Just want to grow as best as i can. All i have is bayonet light...
  3. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    OK thanks man
  4. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    After 9 days now do you think these top44 should have grown more then they have? I think i will pimp my room out with reflectors and more CFL as well as a growlux. Iv spent a lot on seeds for this to fail so i gotta get more lights in there and check out the lumens on the CFL
  5. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    what is a t12?
  6. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    Will do when possible. I know i need light i know but i have limits. I would love to hang a 600w HID but thats not going to happen. Unless i can get a new location to grow and the electric board dont get suspicious or the high amount that 600w would use.
  7. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    I will figure something out. The reason i like that tube fitting is because of the lumes get spread out. you get x amount per square meter if only there was a tube that was 2 feet and had 3000 - 6000 lumes. Tomorrow i will weigh out my options.
  8. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    They will be separated i grew these too soon without having the know how and stuff to set it up or the money. Lighting has and always will be a issue. I have a 32 daylight CFL coming Monday. The issue is i have no way of getting the CFL,s Close to my plant. I can add 1 too the ceiling and two...
  9. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    How much more? I would say its 5 inches away from the plants. I thought the guide line was 4 inches But anyways i put them so there is a 1inch gap between the plants and the light. I put my hands just above the plant and the light doesn't burn my hands so i guess it wont burn the plants.
  10. itsamedicalneed

    new light

    When i did my first setup i had a big problem with lighting i was using CF L's they didn't work out because i was using them in table lamps which i could not get close enough to my plants so they stretched badly. So i have put them in a bigger put added soil so they are not so tall. Iv brought...
  11. itsamedicalneed

    My grow advice needed

    I finally got a better setup will post it later
  12. itsamedicalneed

    First Grow and harvest! Bubblegum

    Nice grow man. I heard bubblegum is pretty good stuff.
  13. itsamedicalneed

    My grow advice needed

    Once Vegging has finished could i use the CFL's for flowering? i have both 3500k and 6000k for that
  14. itsamedicalneed

    My grow advice needed

    Iv put the CFL's close to my plants which should tide them over until thursday when i can a 2 foot Grolux Fluorescent Tube. I dont think you can go wrong with a grolux they use them to grow all sort of stuff.
  15. itsamedicalneed

    My grow advice needed

    I dont spend anything on weed coz i cant get any. When i did it was $30 a month. coz i made it last. I thought HPS/HID can overheat and burn the palce down. I want something thats is safe i can leave on when i am out and not worry that the place will burn to the ground.