Recent content by jaw420

  1. jaw420


    Don't you guys think it's about time to get a favicon. you could even use this one :leaf: if you dont want to look for one. the vbullitin one it really generic. and what ever happened to the old sites FAQ i thought it was awesome with all the how to's and such.
  2. jaw420

    can cloning be done without root hormone?

    I use the tutorials in the DIY section to make a cloner. and just take the cuttings from a perfectly healthy mother plant at a 45 degree angle. adjust the ph of the water to around 5.8. none of that gel, powder, root hormones or B1...
  3. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Oh my. I cant eve remember to plug a cord back in that I unplugged only 5min ago. There is no way I could remember to check on things at the same time every day. I don't even check the room every day anymore. completely random on the days and times the room gets check maby a couple days in a...
  4. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Not a bad idea but if I go with some type of switch I think I will use one of these. I can just fasten it into the lip on the ez cloner where the lid...
  5. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Doubt a company in business of providing information is going to provide it for free plus that website says "Professional charges are based on rate of $100.00 per hour - minimum fee is $400.00." But I just might give it a try in a couple of days if I can't track down all the parts on my own...
  6. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    I have gotten that far thanks for the link this is the chart I have been using So far I have pretty much everything deciphered and am finding where to buy it nothing that really costs much. I am having problems finding the...
  7. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Page #1 Post #1 is where the link is hiding;-)
  8. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Not really. Please refer to posts 12 & 7 plus the original answer. The closest anybody has come to answering the question witch was "Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???" is i can run several pumps off of the ups and even though I would have to unplug the ups and the ez the...
  9. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Yup it blows my mind also that nobody makes one of these devices I am looking for. I can think of a lot of uses for one. and have you ever used an EZ Cloner????????? In order to check the ph, ppm levels and look at the roots while the thing is running you would need a rain coat and then a...
  10. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Refer to post #7 please. Notes do not work for me I block them out. Too many marketing classes I guess. My subconscious must see every sign or note hanging as an advertisement or something and I completely ignore them. I even have a soft board calendar hanging on the room's door and it is on...
  11. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Yup would be great if I had 3 hands. It takes 2 of my hands to check the cloner. so need the 3rd one to hold the cord I guess. plus my cloner sits about 6 ft off the floor with the cord on the floor and the way it is situated I can not hold the cord and reach the cloner at the same time.
  12. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    Notes don't work very good for me, tried them before. It is not forgetting to plug the cloner in while I am standing at it but coming back to plug it in. Usually something comes up like a phone call and I walk away from the cloner with all intentions of coming back in 5 or 10min and plugging it...
  13. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    I am looking for something to remind me to plug the EZ cloner back in after i check the roots and water. cause I am such a stoner I can not remember. Yes in the 10 seconds it takes me to check the water I somehow forget. I do have a UPS on my flood tables and it is great. would not recommend...
  14. jaw420

    1 cycle timer, 5 pumps

    I am running four 25w pumps on one 15a timer no problems here my 4 pumps are less than 1 amp total all together. so you should not have any problems.
  15. jaw420

    Anyone know where I can buy something like this ???

    I run the EZ cloner 24 x 7. but even if I did use a timer that still would not help me from forgetting to plug it back in after i check ph and ppm. I am not going to wait until the time goes off until I check the water if I was using a timer. Thanks for um... Thanks?