Recent content by JMek420

  1. J

    Yellow new growth. Zinc, iron or MG def?

    Thanks for the input. Yeah I thought the iron levels shouldve been pretty decent. Im going to try foliar feed just a pure iron supp tomorrow at lights on.
  2. J

    Yellow new growth. Zinc, iron or MG def?

    Im guessing Iron def. But wanted another couple of opinions first.
  3. J

    Yellow new growth. Zinc, iron or MG def?

    Hey guys, just noticed one of my plants has yellowish new growth. Its kind of "patchy" yellow between the leaf veins I think. Also notice the "reverse canoe" the leaf edges are curling down and in slightly. Any ideas? I run RDWC. I let PH drift 5.6 - 6.5 and rarely adjust. I completely change...
  4. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    Nah. Same water source. So both from my tap, which is town water. The base PPM of my tap water is 130 ppm I have a RO/DI filter which drips about 15 litres an hour. So generally I fill a big 25L drum with RO/DI water (0 ppm) and I mix this with 25 L of straight tap water, because its quicker...
  5. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    Anyone? I sprayed with Calmag + Iron today as well. Im still learning to read my plants so would be good to have some other input.
  6. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    Plants are 4 weeks old. The big one is 5 weeks.
  7. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    Close ups and a pic of my set up for reference
  8. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    Leaves are yellowing/browning from outside edge in as can see from the pic.
  9. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    Hmm. I see. Well the tips were first to go brown/crinkly. Bottom of leaves are slightly yellowish. Leaf stems are purpling. I use a mix of plain tap water (PPM ~130) with RO/DI water 50/50. This brings my base PPM down to ~60. I feed with DutchMaster GOLD add.27, silica, Grow A + B. I also add a...
  10. J

    Potassium Deficieny or Nute Burn? Just wanting another opinion

    What do you guys think? Notice the slightly purple leaf stem too
  11. J

    Indoor RDWC Grow - Failure at every turn

    I was gonna just drill holes in the bottom, fit some tophat gromments, and use barbed elbows/joiners to connect all the buckets up with some poly pipe. The "Out" end of the system will connect to a pump, which pumps the water into my chiller, which then feeds back into the control rez.
  12. J

    Indoor RDWC Grow - Failure at every turn

    I do like the look of your set up, but im not much of a tradie ill be honest, and UC seems like less bits and pieces. I've already bought all the bits for the UC too.... Bro believe it or not it took me like 3 attempts to make my shoddy garden hose waterfall set up thats going right now hahaha...
  13. J

    Indoor RDWC Grow - Failure at every turn

    Read my mind Airwalker thats some voodoo shit right there haha I literally just went and had a look because of that thought, you are right it came up to 5.9 after recirculating through properly. I just added a little bit more of my HCL PH down solution. The whole thing seems to be sitting at 5.6...
  14. J

    Indoor RDWC Grow - Failure at every turn

    I'll give that a go next time. So you reckon adding small amount of nutes to the control tank to "top up" is a no no? Does it throw the balance of the ions out or something?