Recent content by joey7777

  1. J

    look healthy?

    what do you mean by stretched?
  2. J

    look healthy?

    can any1 tell me if this plant looks healthy? and any tips for it bein this small would help thanx in advance
  3. J

    need help

    yea its another incandecent lol and yea i kno.. i have NO money invested in this so far lol.. pot and seeds were a friends.. soil was my parents.. and lights are mine.. lol so yea.. so far im goin the cheap way what kinda light do i need to get? and speak in laymens terms.. like i see how some...
  4. J

    need help

    lol yea i put another light on em too.. now on my ventalation... what should i do about that? cause so far they have jsut grown without any.. i mean it has the open top.. but do they need more?
  5. J

    need help

    yea i know.. i plan on duin somethin about that as soon as they get a lil bigger.. as small as they are i aint really worried bout it right now.. only thing is.. my tops are drooping a tiny bit after the transplant.. and i know i didnt break the roots.. should i be worried?
  6. J

    need help

    ill do that sometime soon.. its hot as hell in that closet where the plants are.. and after sittin in there and workin 4 so long on them.. ima wait a lil while on the foil lol
  7. J

    need help

    yep of course.. heres a pic
  8. J

    need help

    well the transplant went good... got all of em into pot by theirselves.. jsut hope i didnt mess anything up
  9. J

    need help

    yea im using a toothpick to dig gently around the roots.. duin my best not to break em
  10. J

    need help

    i am about to try to transplant a couple of them to see it i can without tearin em up.. ill let ya kno
  11. J

    need help

    they are about 2 weeks old now
  12. J

    need help

    alright.. i appreciate the help man.. ive got only one growing in another pot.. so i guess i will try with it and see what happens.. do you think i would be able to save these plants i have? like will they possibly keep growing and bud? or?
  13. J

    need help

    oh well its just a regular house light bulb.. haha.. so incadescent i guess?? idk so if i give em more light it could help em? im jsut scared of giving them too much light
  14. J

    need help

    what do you mean 60 watt of what? here ill post some pics
  15. J

    need help

    do you think they will continue to grow? i mean they have grown this far.. all i have is a 14" by 14" by 3 ft box.. lined with aluminum foil.. with a lamp facing inside with a 60watt light bulb.. and they have grown this much