Recent content by josh24

  1. josh24

    Hey bitch you still growing?

    Hey bitch you still growing?
  2. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    the other plant will get the cut tomorrow, it's looking pretty good, i'll get some pics of the weight and harvest....
  3. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    i didn't get pictures of the 1st plant dried and it's almost all gone, but the second should be pretty good
  4. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    how much you think i get dry?
  5. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    so I lied I chopped that one plant today, it was 40% amber and the rest cloudy, i'll wait to see what the weight was when its dried
  6. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    one of the plants are getting the chop this sunday, 30% amber,60% cloudy, and 10% clear as of 2 days ago so ya, but the other one has about 2 weeks left so when I chop the one girl I will start flushing the other
  7. josh24

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    what do you think on this one, 6weeks and 2 days flowing so far
  8. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    i cant take the plants out to regular light till harvest cause i have some branches tied to the wall so they dont break from the weight, the plant in the back has a lot of cloudy trichomes and the other has mostly clear, but the hairs are still mostly white, i will start the flush on the one in...
  9. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    pics today, they are 4 weeks 2 days today how are they looking?
  10. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    Ya ya ya, I'm at work chill out till I get home
  11. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    i have been hella lazy lately and pretty messed up but i'll try to put some pics up tomorrow
  12. josh24

    josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL

    here are some pics I took today(been lazy), they have grown a lot since last pictures, starting to get buds all over
  13. josh24

    Leaves drooping right after watering

    i water whenever the soil is looking a little dry or the pot is light right now they are getting water every day or day and a half
  14. josh24

    Leaves drooping right after watering

    anybody got an answer?
  15. josh24

    Leaves drooping right after watering

    my plants upper half's leaves droop right after i water and they are fine and perky again after a couple hrs. what could be the problem?