Recent content by just4fun123

  1. J

    Nutrients- Please make it simple for me

    thank you so much!!!! big HELP
  2. J

    My baby 80ish days into

    although it looks nice, might still have another 80, thats a lot of white hairs
  3. J

    Nutrients- Please make it simple for me

    Can someone please make nutrients simple for me? It seems all the posts ive read about nutes are in regards to hydro or sea of green of some guys plot to grow 1000 plants. Ive got just one plant! Can someone please make nutrients simple for me? PER PLANT BASIS..... soil grow, 2 gallon...
  4. J

    Using T5 for veg

    If you have skinny weak plants, then us a MH. If you have nice bushy plants with thick foliage, you will find MH 400 to be lacking with regards to light penetration. Dont waste your time, HPS is the way to go!!!!!!
  5. J

    Co2, Yeast and sugar

    Just a tip...before you worry about sugar and yeast, maybe get some bigger lights
  6. J

    Aquarium air pump

    What kind of air does an aquarium air pump produce? Good - Bad? Why?
  7. J

    co2 yeast and sugar/water

    What kind of air does an air pump produce? Good - Bad?
  8. J

    400 watt MH to flower? Will it work?

    Any issues with switching to HPS in the middle of a bloom?