Recent content by justa hobby

  1. justa hobby

    Just Right Xtra, made with general hydroponics ingredients. Anyone?

    ive used this brand for a few grows with about 20% cut with perlite. plants always thrived in it. love the results never had an issue, but i wanted a more earthy taste so i switched soils to fox farms.
  2. justa hobby

    shorter or longer veg

    well let me give you the design of my grow setup so you have a bettter idea. i appologize for not posting this info earlier. my room is 9x9x8. i have 4 1ks in there with a c02 tank,ac, fans. with all 4 lights on it doesnt get hotter than 80. and thats only on 95*+. days. so what i do is to get...
  3. justa hobby

    shorter or longer veg

    i was about to swich back to soil from rockwool. i have expierience with soil and have had good success. i was wondering should i do 12 plants under 2 1000w lights in 5 gal buckets vegged for 2 months maybe 2 1/2. or 25 plants in 2 gal pots? curious what people would do. time and schedules are...
  4. justa hobby

    starting a garden

    im not new to growing pot, ive used soil and hydro with great success(i think). but now i want to expand my garden vegtables and spices. does anyone have some good beginner veg or spices to recommend? this will be a project and indoor hydro setup. most likely ebb and flow. thanks for your replies
  5. justa hobby

    Please help me with my problem ! PM ! DR DORIGHTS

    whats the temp and humidity at? soil or hydro? personally if its not that bad at all i usually clip affected leaves with so little time left. was there a temp spike recently?
  6. justa hobby

    Plants looking a little sick +REP

    2nd what topfuel said, about adding more nutes
  7. justa hobby

    Water... Am? Pm?

    haha same way i upgraded my lights some sale like that. you will love the 1k setting.
  8. justa hobby

    Water... Am? Pm?

    nice setup. why dimmed down lighting? for your 80* temp? i run 4 1k in a 9x9 room and my temps get 95* on hot days and my plants are killing it. but im with you cannot wait for cooler days. give your timing a shot. but i think you will not have to water every other day. most likely every 3 to 4...
  9. justa hobby

    Water... Am? Pm?

    how big are your plants. a 5 gallon bucket, you would only need to water once maybe twice a week. depending on heat,size and drainage.
  10. justa hobby

    Water... Am? Pm?

    my plants like 30 minutes after lights come on. just keep an eye on how wet the soil gets after the watering. so you do not over water. how big of pots are you in?
  11. justa hobby

    Nutrient Def.? Someone has to know!

    grab distilled water from cvs or walgreens and flush it, if it starts to look better after after a regular watering or 2 it was locked. but if it looks like its getting worse after a flush and some nutes just add some cal mag lightly and it should work. let me know if anything works. hope it does.
  12. justa hobby

    Nutrient Def.? Someone has to know!

    looks like a zinc def. whats your ph at? what its your water ppm. it might be a lock out. quick questions. soil or hydro? nutes? water source? a lock out could cause slow growth and nute burn when trying to feed it more nutes to compensate for a defincie.
  13. justa hobby


    well after a few deaths and some stupidity i got the situation under control. i tested my water, out of the hose, 210ppm oops. so i figured i have a lock out, little foliar spray(botanicare grow,cal-mag at bottle recomendations, and pro bloom for soil not hydro at 5ml gal) with 1 gal of poland...
  14. justa hobby


    i do have an oscilating fan and an exhaust fan on 24/7. im just wondering if it was a combo of overwatering and light shock. no biggie some still look good. ill disect a few cubes that dont make it. and see. just a learning curve. would be my second grow hydro. keep bulb on standby is todays...
  15. justa hobby


    yes. they were feed and the following day the light went out. so 5 days of them being soaked with no light. im growing in 6x6 cubes 600 watt mh. they are in week 4 of veg