Recent content by Justblazing

  1. J

    Think it's ready?

    No 3 -4 more weeks
  2. J

    Am I ready for harvest ????

    Thanks man !! Apricate that !
  3. J

    Am I ready for harvest ????

    Few more pics
  4. J

    Am I ready for harvest ????

    Hey everyone i got some purple KUSH 7 weeks trichs are mostly cloudy with a few Amber I used a 100x micro , any advice helps thanks
  5. J

    Am I ready to harvest ????

    Hey everyone I'm growing 2 purple KUSH , one I think is ready , the other not so much . She has been flowering for 6-7 weeks .I've been flushing for the last week , my trichs look milky with a few Amber using a 100x micro . This is my fist grow so i am hesitant to pull them lol any info would be...
  6. J

    Need some advice !!!

    How much cal -mag I always feel I under do it , I usually do 1/2 tsp
  7. J

    Need some advice !!!

    I do have cal - mag , do you suggest giving them both , same feeding ?
  8. J

    Need some advice !!!

    Basically it's lacking nitrogen ?
  9. J

    Need some advice !!!

    I'm using fox farm . It's my first grow ,I have been following the schedule
  10. J

    Need some advice !!!

    I feed nuts 2 times a week , and water about every other day
  11. J

    Need some advice !!!

    Yes I am 2 weeks or so
  12. J

    Need some advice !!!

    Hey everyone I have 2 outdoors plants in soil using fox farm nuts , one plants seems to be yellowing out all the old leaves while new growth seems to be lush and green is this something I should be worried about ???
  13. J

    How far long am I ?

    Thanks for the correction and answer . Peace
  14. J

    How far long am I ?

    Hey guys just noticed theses two days ago and was wondering if anyone had an idea of how long this has being flowering for .. Thanks