Recent content by justthefacts

  1. J

    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    Awesome job CaliBuddz! Thanks for following this through to the bitter end. Still It seems pretty low yield. I remember your last test, with just one light, had almost exactly the same yield? I remember something about 100 grams. That would really show that plants got hammered pretty badly by...
  2. J

    LED vs. LED

    Hobbes has a metaphor for penetration that is actually completely wrong. He insinuates that some types of light somehow have a stronger "force" than another light. That is incorrect. here is why.... Light is made of photons. They have no mass and a fixed speed. (the speed of light...whoa i...
  3. J

    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    Great Test, Cali!!!! The fact that the LED is bushy and smaller, means it is probably a better plant, overall. Those bud sites are impressive. It is a little hard to see the difference. maybe you could try using a flash? or at least maybe shine a white light over the bud when you next do a...
  4. J

    Has anyone tried using LED lights to grow?

    I am using the LumiGrow light. Seriously nice light. my babies are really really happy at 4 weeks into flower... let you know how it turns out. here is a photo i posted a few weeks ago in another thread
  5. J

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    Hi Brick Top, I get what you are saying about the ability of the light dependent on the setup and using enough LED fixtures. Given the high cost of LED units , it seems an expensive proposition to outfit a room. ( I calculate that there seems to be an average of about 6 dollars a watt for LED...
  6. J

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    I have heard the stuff about penetration before and I have a question. So far as I understand, a photon from an LED is the same as a photon from the sun or any artificial light source. It's ability to penetrate is the same. What is boils down to, it seems to me, is that any light will penetrate...
  7. J

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    Hi, There is so much talk about the LED grow lights and just not enough data! Someone has got to test these things, so here ya go, here are some photos... I like the Lumigrow lights the best. I considered the theoreme too, maybe someone else can try that one... The unit seems really well...