Recent content by jweezy707

  1. jweezy707

    Problems with seed

    Start over brother, it's long gone.
  2. jweezy707

    Under curled leaves brown stem on seedling

    This happens to all seedlings, those are the two embryonic leaves that supply the plants and usually die within the first couple weeks. Quit your worrying and read a book.
  3. jweezy707

    mothers vs plants

    It's ready to clone when all of the requisites are achieved. If the plant is big enough for cuttings, then it's ready. 6-8 weeks isn't a magic number, just an average range that the average plant would be big enough for cuttings.
  4. jweezy707

    outdoor indica 3 month old, is it dying, what to do?

    I'm guessing it's rootbound because you asked if you should clip the roots; Transplant that fucker into a bigger pot and make sure you're watering it correctly!
  5. jweezy707

    Flowering to soon

    Dude, you're going to have to put them in your garden. There is no other way, window sill plants can cause cancer as well as leukemia. The ultraviolet rays get refracted through the polarized glass in the window and it causes particle annihilation, unleashing thousands of subatomic particles...
  6. jweezy707

    Autoflowering - Hermaphrodite?

    Go for 20/4 or 18/6, try to minimize the amount of light leaks to the best of your ability. When the plants sleep, you should be asleep. EDIT: No, don't go 12/12.
  7. jweezy707

    what ph does indica dominant strain grow best

    1. Stop using tap water. 2. Go to the store and buy distilled water. 3. Never worry about pH again. Indica dominant strains want the same pH as sativa dominant strains.
  8. jweezy707

    roots wont grow

    No. Leave it alone.
  9. jweezy707

    HELP.... are my girls OK?

    Do you feed these girls? If not, then that's your problem. Looks like the start of a deficiency.
  10. jweezy707

    Sick Drooping Plant

    Looks like you've got yourself a watering malfunction. What's your watering/feeding schedule like? Very healthy looking plant by the way, you should stop your worrying. It just looks a little stressed out.
  11. jweezy707

    Autoflowering - Hermaphrodite?

    Yes, but that doesn't mean one photon will turn them into hermaphrodites.
  12. jweezy707

    Attention All Gamers!

    I'm going to go ahead and stop here because I'm assuming you only want to improve your post count. Make that e-penis of yours longer. Pce
  13. jweezy707

    Attention All Gamers!

    I must be, if Devildog93 honored his whole signature to me, then I must have won something greater than the Olympics.
  14. jweezy707

    Attention All Gamers!

    Great excuse! You definitely have 'wised' up, I can tell by your sudden grammatical transformation. Trying to e-impress me, eh?