Recent content by katgm

  1. katgm

    Help 3 wks into grow leaves cupping

    This lady has some leaves that seem to be cupping. This is my first time to grow and I am worried about her. I use soil medium, shes 32 in tall., 3 gallon pot, ff nutes and schedule, water 2x wk., ph 6.5, 450 hds, 75 degrees constant and about 35% humidity, hard to get more as live in...
  2. katgm

    Clones keep dying!!!

    No...see no rot. The time before I checked after top died, but roots and bottom of plant looked good .
  3. katgm

    Clones keep dying!!!

    TY have started opening vents but will try what u say.
  4. katgm

    Clones keep dying!!!

    I have noticed even plants once they start up that used jiffy plug for are even that makes sense. What about rockwool?
  5. katgm

    Clones keep dying!!!

    TY so much for ur input....have no idea what I am doing. Yes use rooting compound.
  6. katgm

    Clones keep dying!!!

    I have tried to grow clones 3 times . Just as they start to get good roots, they die!! I am using a humidity dome, and flourescent light above. THey last about 5 days then start to die. I mist dome as needed. The heat is 75 degrees. I am using jiffy plugs. All water is 6.5 and filtered...
  7. katgm

    Help clones sick

    clones are wilted. 3 days into clone. In humidty dome with flourescent light. Using heat pad under that came with clone station. TOps of clones are drooping.