Recent content by kcgg16

  1. K

    intertwine roots?

    can u intertwine the roots of 2 germinated seeds?
  2. K

    best ways to set up closet for grow room?

    i have a decient sized closet and im setting it up now to grow a few plants whats the best way for those of you who haved use a closet and had success?
  3. K

    random question...

    whats better snoerting xanax or orally taking cuz i just snorted 2 and im fucked up but is oral better?
  4. K

    quickest way to germinate a few seeds?

    whats the fastes way to germinate a few seeds?
  5. K

    quick question

    thanks guys yeah it has its top bud and alot of white pistils growing all over thanks for the info.
  6. K

    quick question

    i have been on 12/12 for about 3 1/2 weeks now should there be buds yet or does it take a few more weeks?
  7. K


    incase anyone was wondering i aended upadding sugarwater and i noticed it made my plant grow noticably faster. (pure cane sugar)
  8. K

    sugar water??

    is sugar water alright to give to your plantss or will it kill them?and if so how much would u add to a bottle of water?
  9. K

    nutrients help!!

    any1 know of anything or do i just gutta waitt?
  10. K

    nutrients help!!

    i cant buy nutrients till this weekend when i get paid and my plants are showing signs of hunger i dont want them to starv is there anything i can give them from my house like sugar water or sumthing to keep them alive till this weekend there in flowering stage??
  11. K

    bottom leaves turning brown befor flowering?

    yeah my ph is fine what do u recomend for nutes when i start to flower?
  12. K

    bottom leaves turning brown befor flowering?

    my plant is about a month old i wa gunna flower it next week because i only want a small plant and it is already mature enough and yeah all i had was MG but it has alot of nuets in the soil so u think if i go buy some and feed it it will turn more brown? and isnt it normal for bottom leaves to...
  13. K

    bottom leaves turning brown befor flowering?

    think its miracle grow and were do i get food for them?
  14. K

    bottom leaves turning brown befor flowering?

    havent used nuets yet so cant be that maybe from not gettin them??
  15. K

    bottom leaves turning brown befor flowering?

    normal i hope??