Recent content by Kek

  1. K

    Light comparison

    I've probably grown longer than you've been on this earth.
  2. K

    Light comparison

    You need a visit with Dr Bruce bugbee me thinks. Samsungs are indeed the best middle ground. And most of those advertisements don't say that spider/mars/vipar all use epistar and other lower grade diodes for everything except white. Only the white are Samsung on them.
  3. K

    Light comparison

    Show me better. Surely you can.
  4. K

    Light comparison

    Black dogs are the best on the market. But who's spending that kind of scrilla.
  5. K

    Light comparison

    Im not supposed to share my findings with photone for Android yet. It's still in beta friend. The lux meter does a fine job of showing that the sf can't even overload my meter. The HLG can.
  6. K

    Light comparison

    Horticulture lighting group is the most photosynthetic photons you can get per dollar. Just built two qb 288 rspecs on heat sink (from them) with an HLG-240H-C2100A from TRC for about $260 total. Blows my $300 spider farmer out the water. Spider farmer was pulling a couple more watts there too.
  7. K

    First time grower.

    You will need about 500 actual running watts to flower a 4x4 well. Both my 2x4 use 250. One sf2000 the other a diy HLG. The HLG of course produces much more photosynthetic light than the spider farmer. Cheaper too, diy. I can max out my lux meter at 1/2 inch away from the sf. Then HLG hits it...
  8. K


    Here are some vpd charts using leaf temperature subtracted from room temperature to tell you which one to use to dial in your grow. I run my dehumidifier in the lung room. For 3 tents.