Recent content by kevinthegroove

  1. K

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    So - I have harvested and the results were quite remarkable Although I suffered with a bit of bud rot fungus and had to pull a fraction early compared to where I wanted, the yield was very good. They grew a little tall for my 1.6m tent and I struggled to keep them out of the lights but I will...
  2. K

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    I'll get some more pics up still going well - 2 weeks from the switch to 12 / 12 and they have rocketed up - 1 has gone crazy tall
  3. K

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    well here we are - another week along front left is showing definite female pre-flowers and has always been the healthiest, best looking plant. going to do some cuttings from all 4 of the main plants - then switch them and grow them out... I'm sure they will grow vertically after the switch...
  4. K

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    Thanks mate - I figured they look pretty healthy - just not like anything I've seen my mates grow... Will keep popping back in when something happens - gonna keep 'em in veg for another week then switch 'em - from what i've read they are about 9 weeks to maturity from switch...
  5. K

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    Hey guys Another week in from the last photos ( 3 weeks from seed) forgot to say I'm using a 400 watt Sunmaster Dual Spectrum lamp. All seems pretty good - seems to be a very short strain, with huge leaves - maybe I'm doing something wrong not to get vertical height but hey -it suits me and...
  6. K

    first grow - vanilla haze - very unsure

    I'm having a go at vanilla kush from Barney's farm - its my first ever hydro grow so no idea what to expect from anything let alone vanilla kush!! Growing under 400w, 4 pot wilma in cana coco with cana nutes... pH seems good (around 6.0) - I've been quite sparing with the nutes and watering...
  7. K

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    I'm having a go at vanilla kush - its my first ever hydro grow so no idea what to expect from anything let alone vanilla kush!! Growing under 400w, 4 pot wilma in cana coco with cana nutes... All 5 seeds germinated easily and seem to have started ok (about 2 weeks in from seed) - seem to be...