Recent content by kimish

  1. kimish

    Another Beer Cup Grow.

    If you're going to keep it in that cup, I'd flower now. That btch is going to streeetch. If you're going to pot up (which is what i would do), pot up then switch to flower in about two- three weeks. I am but a humble man offering my humble opinion.
  2. kimish

    Is my seedling alright ?

    It's doing fine. Give it nothing but water for at least one more week. Careful not to over water.
  3. kimish

    Are these roots or random plant material?

    Yes. Those nubs are the roots starting to form
  4. kimish

    i have a few simple questions about my seedling

    Me thinks you need more aeration to your medium, the roots may be having a tough time stretching out.
  5. kimish

    Foxtails? Pic

    Could be genetic foxtailing. Or... The leaves look pretty dark, maybe too much N could be the culprit . Drop the N, not totally, and ride it out .
  6. kimish

    are these preflowers?

    I just see stipules.
  7. kimish

    Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

    Someone rang? I heard butthole, vasoline and cock slime. Count me in
  8. kimish

    Newbie grower

    I'm gonna say about two pounds, may Be a few zips shy of 2
  9. kimish

    Newbie grower

    What did i miss?
  10. kimish

    Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

    Rmember, guys and girls Haopy weekend d
  11. kimish

    Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

    This thread is still going? <~~ Ill let Beakers expression say the rest.
  12. kimish

    Day 48 of this normal?

    Cut back on the N a little, Leaves are dark green and you got some burn at the tips. Not good when your tip burns . Could be causing what looks like foxtailing to me . Waiting for more knowledgeable members to chime in .
  13. kimish

    Day 48 of this normal?

    Looks like the beginning fox penis to me.
  14. kimish

    Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

    I think Peezee has another thread or two to fall back on. So, if this one is lost or nsa shuts it down, we're still alllll good with some peezee
  15. kimish

    Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

    I knew this thread was something special. Gawt me out the darc ❤