Recent content by Kush baby Kush

  1. Kush baby Kush

    Pot Cookies...Dont eat too much!

    Very nice, I cant wait till my baby is done shes a monster im going to try some butter. ~Keep on Keepin on
  2. Kush baby Kush

    can i quick dry

    Wait till it is completly ripe, Pics would be helpfull
  3. Kush baby Kush

    HELP! good pictures included

    thats what i was thinking, the weather/sun has been all over the place around here, thank you for your help
  4. Kush baby Kush

    HELP! good pictures included

    so there is hope? that made my day i am so proud of her HAHA thank you very much! you've all eased my nerves.
  5. Kush baby Kush

    HELP! good pictures included

    we have a female who started flowering a week or so ago. she is about 4'6 and almost all of the pistils have already turned brown/copper/purple? and no bud has developed, the temperature and weather here have been insane so that might have to do with it, is there any hope? i'd hate to have such...
  6. Kush baby Kush

    What's Wrong With My 4 New Plants (PIC)

    LOL MG is not bad for growing mj look at my thread i use MG on my plants and they are HUGEEE that is nute lock lay off the nutes for a few waterings they will perk up.
  7. Kush baby Kush

    First Grow Dont Bash Me Plz!

    I would start flower now they will get bigger much quicker Good luck :D
  8. Kush baby Kush

    Male or feMALE *GOT PICS*

    Looks to me like a male looks like a sac on 3rd pic at top but those arnt clean pics.
  9. Kush baby Kush

    Lower Pistils....

    Pics? It would help. You say 2 weeks into flower? THats very odd when you get a pic in i will help you alot better :p
  10. Kush baby Kush

    Kush's First grow Adventure(pics)

    WHy thaaank you. UPDATE my plants have started flowering today 2 of them turned out female still waiting to see if LST is female looks it so far.
  11. Kush baby Kush

    Kush's First grow Adventure(pics)

    side view
  12. Kush baby Kush

    Am I F$#ked ?

    So hope to god it turns into frankinstein?
  13. Kush baby Kush

    Am I F$#ked ?

    How do you make a split when it broke OFF, Im confused as hell by that explain.
  14. Kush baby Kush

    Am I F$#ked ?

    It was flowering
  15. Kush baby Kush

    Am I F$#ked ?

    yea where is the break how high up or lower? but it might die poor plant, make a clone out of the snapped.