Recent content by kysmoker

  1. kysmoker

    Warning Warning Warning Warning...

    I hate to point out the obvious, but if a friend of yours had a very bad experience with them once, why would you give them a try? Thanks for the warning and all though =P
  2. kysmoker

    2000W enough to red flag me?

    If you have them on a 12/12 schedule youd used around 720 kwh's. My last bill was for 2500 kwh's, and theres nothing even growing here. Just saying =)
  3. kysmoker

    Using a carbon filter with no exhaust

    Shooting for temps in the 75-80 range, around 50% rh, and building up to about 1500 ppm co2. Its not going to be that big of a room honestly, just 3 600 watt lights over a 4x6 growing area (the room might end up being 10x10 at the very largest)
  4. kysmoker

    Using a carbon filter with no exhaust

    Thats what I was thinking, or atleast hoping lol. And yea, Im gona be using tanked co2, so hopefully not having the room exhausted will preserve it. Its not that im cheap, I just hate going to the welding shop lol.
  5. kysmoker

    Using a carbon filter with no exhaust

    Well, smell will always permeate, and eventually it would get outside of a room, regardless of how hard you tried to seal it. That was why I was thinking of recirculating the air through a carbon filter. The main benefit of sealing a grow room up is that you have complete control over it...
  6. kysmoker

    Using a carbon filter with no exhaust

    Right, an exhaust fan would be pulling air through the filter, but, that would be it for the exhaust. There would be no air being ejected outside, it would simply be recirculating through the carbon filter. Or atleast thats what I hope happens lol.
  7. kysmoker

    How long will seeds last?

    Thanks man, thats what I was thinking =) Just wanted to make sure
  8. kysmoker

    Using a carbon filter with no exhaust

    Hey guys. In the process of designing a grow room for me and my bro. After alot of reading and talking, we really want to go with a more sealed approach (no exhaust/intake). We already picked up a pretty good minisplit AC and dehumidifer, but one thing I was concerned about is odor. I like...
  9. kysmoker

    Secondhand smoke and drug test =P

    The test came back negative. Good deal, and I was around massive amounts of smoke at a party. That cutoff level must be pretty high lol.
  10. kysmoker

    How long will seeds last?

    So, Ill be setting up a grow room later this year. Ive been studying alot, and researching what strain id like to try. I really wanted to try Reserva Privadas OG 18, but theyre almost always out of stock. They just recently came in, and I was thinking of ordering some. Think theyll still...
  11. kysmoker

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Lol. This is awesome.
  12. kysmoker

    Secondhand smoke and drug test =P

    So, ive been clean for a pretty good while now, havent smoked in about six weeks (since I started work). But, I was chilling with some friends last night, and they were smoking in the same room as me. One asshole even blew a big ass cloud of smoke right at me lol (they knew I could get drug...
  13. kysmoker

    Republican or Democrat?

    Independent, but I leans towards the left. But at the same time I do see some need for conservatism, and I think our government needs a balance between socialism and capitalism. I know, socialism = bad to everyone, but fuck, its the modern age, thinks simply arent the way they used to be. But at...
  14. kysmoker

    Cana you believe what the canadian government is doing?????

    and they ordered seeds from him online, and had them shipped to the US =/
  15. kysmoker

    Advanced Nutrient strength?

    Check out there nutrient calculator on their website. Start with a low feeding schedule, usually that wont burn them. If it does, slowly keep moving down until you get your plant dialed in. Cant wait for their new PH PPM perfect stuff to hit the stores, hopefully stuff like this will be a...