Recent content by lacho

  1. L

    One lady is a little off...

    Cheers dude, hopefully I am just being impatient, only thing that worried me was that it was droopy before repotting as well.
  2. L

    One lady is a little off...

    Hey guys, Popped my 2 ladies a couple of weeks ago, one is growing like a champ but the other has been droopy and sad the whole time, it's still growing slowly but overall just doesn't look good. I don't think it's any ph/nute/light problems as the other lady is getting the same and doing...
  3. L

    Brown spots

    Well the consensus seems to be stop being scared to give it more water, shall adjust my feed schedule and let you know how it is in a week, really appreciate it ya'll!
  4. L

    Brown spots

    Checked today actually water in at PH 6.0 runoff was at 6.4, and you can't see it in the pic but there's a pot stand underneath so it doesn't sit in water.
  5. L

    Brown spots

    Even if it still looks wet?
  6. L

    Brown spots

    So ya reckon less water more often?
  7. L

    Brown spots

    Thanks for ya reply, I'm watering about every 2 days (when the top inch or so is dry) and yeah watering until I see runoff
  8. L

    Brown spots

    Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster (have managed to solve problems in the past by looking at old posts but this one has me stumped) I'm getting brown spots on lower leaves which slowly take over the entire leaf (spots are hard/dead), I've been chopping any affected leaves but not long...