Recent content by lamofbodom

  1. L

    Single monster scrogged plants

    So, its been a while since ive tapped into the forums. Glad to see such change in our society in these short 5 years or so. Anyways, jumping into it....anyone out there have any pictures/stories/experiences/advice for one plant monster scrog grows? Im mainly talkin along the lines of the well...
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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Are you guys generally instilling the screen after you switch to flower or before?? Just about to start my first scrog adventure, havent been on the forums in years. Got 2 sensi Northern lights on deck!! Running a jarden 5x5 tent and a 1,000 hps. Cant wait to upload shots!
  3. L

    DWC bubbler bucket water was low, changed and now droooooopy leaves

    i dont know why im typing like shit today....i meant so* dont have 3 gallons of water in each bucket?
  4. L

    DWC bubbler bucket water was low, changed and now droooooopy leaves

    3 dont have 3 gallons of water in each bucket? i figured it would just use it up during the the point to add water as your going??? im so confused
  5. L

    DWC bubbler bucket water was low, changed and now droooooopy leaves

    my started killing it, i mean the budding sites and fan leaves are all droopy as if i overwatered it
  6. L

    DWC bubbler bucket water was low, changed and now droooooopy leaves

    I checked my water levels today after a frantic (and hot) week, and come to find all the buckets with barely 2 inches of water....very frantically mixed a new batch of nutes/water...3 gallons per bucket.... out of 4 plants, 3 looks like they're loving it and one looks like i started killing...
  7. L

    Florado Review And Experience

    ive been using flora duo on my GHS trainwreck dwc NON RECIRCULATING dwc 5 gallon buckets and have had nothing but great success....using tap water....seems to be doing its thing for me also, been using it half strength or less....last water change i believe i did 30 mls of each per 5 gallon...
  8. L

    Tripping and driving

    i think a better idea would be to travel and than trip at your destination.
  9. L

    Tripping and driving

    i think it felt like driving a boat thru the ocean and that was around my block to "look for my friend" whom i forgot told me was going to cvs for whatever the hell he was (it was 3 am)...and when i found him, walking from my car down a little path to a baseball field...the little path felt like...
  10. L

    Browning film on roots 2 days after adding voodoo juice DWC

    anybody else want to shed some light? reason why no browning on roots UNTIL adding voodoo juice? any cases? been searching for hours nada
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    Browning film on roots 2 days after adding voodoo juice DWC

    looking into that right now, thank you brotha
  12. L


    dude the guys right you have nute burn stop arguing and flush your damn plants...i had THE SAME symptoms with THE SAME brown spots turning into THE SAME dead curling greyishin/brownish/yellowish ends. When your plant eats its nutes, its leaves behind salt and not regularly rinsing the salt out...
  13. L

    Browning film on roots 2 days after adding voodoo juice DWC

    as the title suggests, i have 2 week old (from transplant) train wreck ladies doing my first dwc bubbler grow in 5 gallon charcoal grey buckets with 6 inch net pot lids and yadda yadda fuckin yadda.... anyways, im using flora duo from GH and so far so good till i change out my water for the...
  14. L

    Modified Aerogarden GH nutrient mixing questions

    Yeahhhh i actually read on another forum that exact same thing....i just didnt read the description right, that's what i get for being lit everytime i do anything related to gardening =] i just remembered i posted this, i haven't been on top of my online forums like i used to. But i appreciate...
  15. L

    Modified Aerogarden GH nutrient mixing questions

    i just want to add that this was an experiment side project from my recent soil grow, so i wasn't prepared with meters and such.