Recent content by Lariz

  1. L

    DIY LED light

    They'd take too long to get here, unfortunately. I have sourced some SI-B8Y101560US for a reasonable price, but I can't really find any mention in the data sheet whether these would require heat sinking when run at their test currents (450ma). I don't suppose you'd know if I'd be able to get...
  2. L

    DIY LED light

    Thank you all for your replies, really appreciate it! I decided to go for a combination of all advice, in increasing my total strips (Thanks @Rennpappe) but remaining at the same current as advised by all other replies (thanks for the confidence boost @MidnightSun72 your experience is greatly...
  3. L

    DIY LED light

    Hi, I've been looking at the bridgelux EB gen 3 modules and I'm planning on going with 8 BXEB-L0590U-35E1500-C-C3 in a 75cm x 65cm space which may be slightly overkill, but it opens up room for expansion in future. I've seen people who've had these strips mounted on a baking tray as a passive...