Recent content by lil austin

  1. lil austin

    its ah month an 21 days old

    well i will be on the look out for that. thanks for tha information. its much appreciated
  2. lil austin

    its ah month an 21 days old

    thanks man, its my first time glad to hear complements about it.
  3. lil austin

    its ah month an 21 days old

    i am needin assistance, please reply. it would be much apprecitated, keep tokin niccaz
  4. lil austin

    growing in deer infested woods. what should i do?

    go deer huntin nicca, post up in some camo an drop that mofo next time you see it take ah bite. if that dont work jus piss around it, sounds wierd but it will work. it will have human scent around it, im from tha south an i drop deer on the regular. they want fuck with it if there is human scent...
  5. lil austin

    its ah month an 21 days old

    i took ah picture of tha sexing signs im pretty sure its ah female almost positive. but you gotta remember ima first time grower. i like to know for positive what gender it is. ah comment would be extemely helpful an much apprecitated.. so let me know whats up, stay tokin niccaz.
  6. lil austin

    my plant at 1 month an 17 days old.

    thanks for lettin me know what it was. but i thought it was jus cause tha lightness of the green an how big they was gettin. done chopped half them bitches off tho. but this is mine an my friends first grow an i think we are doin pretty damn good for some first timers. but we aint usin NO...
  7. lil austin

    my plant at 1 month an 17 days old.

    yo i havent been on in ah while so i figured i would post pics of my lady. tell me what ya think. she is doin great even tho she got blowed over the other night durin ah terrible thunderstorm. tha picture was takin like ah day later but she is back to normal an going strong.
  8. lil austin


    thanks i will look at it an will later post pics
  9. lil austin


    how early can you find out the sex of your plant. my plant has been growin for 3 weeks going on its fourth.
  10. lil austin

    damn one of my plants got blowed over.

    i got mad an jus ripped it out the pot. didnt feel like messin with it it had already started to wilt anyways an i thought there was no hope for it so i jus gave up on it. but i still got one going
  11. lil austin

    damn one of my plants got blowed over.

    i jus went an got it an brought it in to take ah closer look an it was ripped at the base so i guess there is no hope for it. :(
  12. lil austin

    damn one of my plants got blowed over.

    alright man. i will go do that right now. hopefully i dont wake up an it be dead.
  13. lil austin

    damn one of my plants got blowed over.

    nothing is broke its jus bent. i was ah bit upset when i went to check on it an seen it like that. so your sayin i should but ah lil stake beside it an tie it to it an that will possibly work?
  14. lil austin

    damn one of my plants got blowed over.

    its jus an lil sprout. about 3in tall i dont think it will honestly make it through
  15. lil austin

    damn one of my plants got blowed over.

    we had some high winds an some pretty hard rain an i jus went to check on it an it was bent at the base an was layin down.