Recent content by lonethemonk

  1. L

    OaKsterdam Raided

    i think people also have the choice to move out of a conservative state and get their med card.. thats what the united states is. you could live in texas and be persecuted for growing or live in california and be seen as normal
  2. L

    rheumatoid arthritis pain ?

    a local collective ran by growers in my area offers a spray bottle with an alcohol - cannabis extract(dont know the ratio) topical tincture.. i dont have arthritis but its works wonders for all pain i've encountered.. try to find something like that. theres also products called snake oil which...
  3. L

    Southern California Patients

    what is the total of your expenditures monthly?
  4. L

    Cost for indoor grow

    (roughly)how much would it cost each month to run a 6-8 plant hydro setup in southern california now-a-days