Recent content by longbaugh

  1. L

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    Since there's religions in pretty much all cultures and geographies, there must be something in our brain circuitry that lends itself to religions. Some power/knowledge systems have taken advantage of that and voila...religions. Maybe there's some need to belong to something bigger. I could...
  2. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    Thanks for posting that. I have a couple of comments and a few questions. So this also implies that this planet is in orbit around the Sun. Are we in consensus then that this theoretical object is in orbit around the Sun? As I was reading this article, it occurred to me that none of the...
  3. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    I'm trying to give this stuff the benefit of the doubt because I find that I'm too often too narrow minded. However, I come from a space science background and while this stuff is very cool, I find it hard to believe. I just can't find any semblance of reality in this. Maybe my problem is...
  4. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    Yeah, it seems like the alignment with the orbital plane is another thing: the Dark Rift. Ooga Booga, to coin a phrase. As near as I can figure, the other alignment thing has to do with the galactic center as the far point, the Earth as another point, and the Sun. I think that happens every...
  5. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    I'm not sure what the crossing of the orbital plane (the 'carousel effect' from Stoney's previous post and 'The Dark Rift' from BobbyBoy's) but I have a couple of questions there, too. (Sorry if I'm off topic). From the Dark Rift video: In the first part, they say:Once upon a time… (26,000...
  6. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    Well, I'm not sure I understand how another planet, larger than Jupiter, could come into our system without being attracted by the Sun's gravity, even if it is orbiting some remote object. I was under the impression that all objects attract all other objects, gravitationally speaking. Could...
  7. L

    Any other Unitarian Universalits out there?

    I been there a couple of times and like their tune. I haven't been there in a while, though...except for meditation in the mornings, twice weekly. I like that they're 'religiously liberal'. Whatever you want to believe ... God, no god, whatever ... is cool with them.
  8. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    Stoney has a good point. Let me take it further: So there's a point between two objects where the gravitational force cancels out ... like between the Earth and Sun, that sweet spot is called the Lagrangian point and we fly Solar observatories there (like SOHO). There must be this sweet spot...
  9. L

    Creation Vs. Evolution

    SFIPMP...(So Funny I Peed My Pants)... LOL!!!
  10. L

    Creation Vs. Evolution

    wow...those are really big letters. It kinda made me a little startled when I scrolled down. LOL.
  11. L

    Nibiru / Eros / Planet X

    So let me get this straight: Nibiru is a planet larger than Jupiter, but smaller than the Sun. It is orbiting our sun and a remote star (apparently no longer burning). The remote star is light years away and the planet returns every 3600 years. (Please see my references below) Is that about...
  12. L

    If I'm feeling bored in a relationship...

    You need to work out what you really need. When you feel angry or depressed, that's an alarm bell saying that something you need isn't being taken care of. You'd be surprised at how much a conversation about this will go. Don't do it while you're angry, though. Just one time when you're...
  13. L

    Creation Vs. Evolution

    <SNIFF> I love you guys... <Wipes tear>
  14. L

    Aliens Exist. Arecibo Radio Signal Sent Back.

    For me, the jury is still out on whether or not aliens have visited us. I do have some questions, though. Like, for example, what would aliens be doing mutilating cattle? I mean, if they wanted to do experiments on them or something, wouldn't they fix them up when they wanted to put them...
  15. L

    Creation Vs. Evolution

    I believe the Universe, the Earth, and all its life forms was created by the Omnipotent One (OO) eight and a half SECONDS ago. "But", you say, "there is all this conversation that has taken weeks ... there are fossil records!" "Aha, OO created all this to test the faithful! The rock-like...