Recent content by Lord Dangly Bits

  1. Lord Dangly Bits

    Still having first grow..

    Those leafs look really dark green a few almost have a deep blue ting to them. I would back off the nitrogen a bit.
  2. Lord Dangly Bits

    My first real grow

    I check your stuff out. I do not like your soil. It looks like fine ground bark, with a small part of Perlite. Myself, I go with high quality Coco Coire. But to each his own. Hell, I can not stand Miracle grow soils. I always say, they named it this because it is a Miracle anything grows in it...
  3. Lord Dangly Bits

    My first real grow

    :lol: WELCOME TO THE CLUB! New growers are always allowed to ask for help and suggestions. You might give an idea of what kind of grow you have going on here as well, with a few photos. This will help people to get interested, and then go check out your other thread. Just a Thought.
  4. Lord Dangly Bits

    strongest indica?

    I have had AK-48 and ICE from Nirvanna for my last 5 harvest. The crop I have growing now is all ICE because I was not very happy with the AK-48. It is an OK bud, but the yield was not that great. And it did not have that good after taste of most good buds. The next crop after this one is going...
  5. Lord Dangly Bits

    need help with my HPS light

    HAHAHAHA. pretty much the same thing.
  6. Lord Dangly Bits

    Can anyone diagnose this? Also an update.

    Unless your city water is to toxic to drink, I would use it before I used Distilled water. Your water has micro-nutrients your plants need. But not if it is distilled
  7. Lord Dangly Bits

    Can anyone diagnose this? Also an update.

    That is 3 weeks of flowering? If you have buds explodeing that fast in just 3 weeks, you plant is sucking nutrients from the fan leafs. Plants in flower will do this under normal conditions. Once you get a few harvests under your belt. You will be able to dial in your grow style to compensate...
  8. Lord Dangly Bits

    Low Yield Both Harvests'. Poor Air Cirulation??

    You only water 2 gallon pots with 1,000 ml of water every 4-5 days? The length of time sounds good. But 1,000 ml is not much water. that is just a little more then is in a fifth of whiskey. When I water, I water them to where they get a good soaking, and plenty of water runs out the bottom...
  9. Lord Dangly Bits

    need help with my HPS light

    I highly doubt it. Your light would be putting out 10% of the heat, of a 1,500 watter heater. I think that box is much smaller then 10% of the room area this heater could make to hot. Get some ventilation somehow. While still keeping the light out, and you should be golden.
  10. Lord Dangly Bits

    strongest indica?

    Just flower that bitch longer and harvest with more amber. Kind of funny though. This review calls it Sativa Dom. Where as i thought it was Indica DOM. And if it is Sativa DOM, then why only 1 meter tall at average? That is short even for an Indica let alone a Sativa. Can you really trust what...
  11. Lord Dangly Bits

    strongest indica?

    Have any of you tried the new 2011 cannibus winner, "Tangerine Dream" from Barney's Farm? I bought 5 femalized seeds from them, about 2 months back. I am dieing to pop these seeds. But I have enough stash for a while now.
  12. Lord Dangly Bits

    whorled/deformed leaves, please help?

    I hear where these guys are coming from. But for Many Thousands of years, soil has been reused. I am not sure of how this is done correctly. I do not grow in soil because of these and a few other issues that take almost a chemisty degree. So I use COCO Coire. I know for a fact this stuff can be...
  13. Lord Dangly Bits

    hello I People Scared newbie No electricity

    What just funning. :)
  14. Lord Dangly Bits

    hello I People Scared newbie No electricity

    HEY!!!!!! What is so wrong with that?? I did my first harvest with 4 plants in my extra bathrooms bathtub with a 400 watt HPS. hahaha It was like Up City Ghetto. As far as growing indoors with no power. You are Plain Old Shit Out of Luck...... Well you might try getting 500 oil lamps and...
  15. Lord Dangly Bits

    should i be worried about this?

    It looks like your plants are in doors. Why would it matter what the weather is like outside. Am I confused here? What are the conditions this plant is under? Soil/Hydro, Temps Humiodity, Amount and types of nutrients. The more info and the more accurate the better. And if you think you KNOW...