Recent content by mailmann

  1. M

    Guerrilla growing and "Drying 20 pounds of weed" problem. Any Ideas?

    make some hash with the freshly chopped ladies instead of a dry/cure
  2. M

    Decriminalizing weed in Kalamazoo, Mi

    nope defiantly not decriminalized, although a recent law that was voted in that makes arresting recreational users the popos lowest priority. But the police came out and basically said that it wouldn't change anything, as in you will still get prosecuted if your caught with any amount.
  3. M

    The RUI Skate thread.

    i skate when i can, i press my own decks as well
  4. M

    Golden Teacher Bulk Grow

    get some holes in that tub for fae
  5. M

    12 pounds of shrooms dry

    24 mono tubs at least
  6. M

    Bwpz' First PF Tek Attempt

    they should last hundreds of injections and pc runs, ive never had any problems with injection ports wearing out you can also use silicone to glue tyvek or ez felt to your lids for gas exchange
  7. M

    Sassafras trees in your area

    good god there are so many sassafras trees here................ how does one get from plant to fun times though?
  8. M

    Bwpz' First PF Tek Attempt

    i use this stuff any silicone adhesive should work, just make sure its pure silicone
  9. M

    Bwpz' First PF Tek Attempt

    its not gel, it is silicone. you can buy a lil tube of it at any hardware store