Recent content by markcontrades

  1. markcontrades

    Cutting fan leaves OFF. Would that make sence?

    i know lol, but it makes sence.
  2. markcontrades

    Cutting fan leaves OFF. Would that make sence?

    iight thanks. well i got one female plant i havent touched yet. the other 2 i already cut them off. will they be ok for cloning? or am i better off just throwing them out...
  3. markcontrades

    Cutting fan leaves OFF. Would that make sence?

    Would it make sense to cut off all the fan leaves so the branches can get more light? my plan is to get all the branches growing so i can take cuttings and start cloning.
  4. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    what type of UV bulbs? resin as in crystals? is the MH really needed or am i fine with HPS through out Vegging and flowering? kuz ive bin vegging with the hps and it seems to be doing good. what does the MH actually do?
  5. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    wassup with this one? this look iight? i mean i do have a somewhat small closet, i would think 600w would blast the heat up.
  6. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    and another question bout the DWC. wouldnt the roots die because its always in the water?
  7. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    well ill figure it out. but thanks yall for the advice. if yall got anything more i need to know let me know. as for the lights is this fine im gonna go ahead and by it tonight, if i get word that its great.
  8. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    is this exactly what i should be getting then?
  9. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    well which one works better? lol. you said the dwc is a 2 in one? i was kinda looking for something that the water somewhat is seperated from the plants. because ive seen how the DWC works on google and it looks complicated. like when it comes time to change up the water dont i gotta take...
  10. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    ic. and how much does the 150w run? does the bill run by how long you have the light on every hour? srry. im trying to find out how much im running the bill lol because i only pay 450 for the room, and i wanna know exactly how much im running.
  11. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    thats all i need? is it possible to buy the whole setup from a hydroponics store?
  12. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    is this DWC setup the same thing Mr. Green was using on Youtube? the videos How to grow cannabis Mr. Green...because i was thinking about making one like his. or is this DWC better? and with the light. i thought about going higher in Watts but i was thinking about the bill. because i live with...
  13. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    why do i need CFLs? i dont understand.. the hps doesnt do good in sprouting? but the dwc. would everything i need for building one in home depot or ilovehydroponics store? kuz im really not trying to order online for parts lol...
  14. markcontrades

    500$ to spend... But on what?

    This friday ill be getting 500$. im trying to figure out what i need to buy for my Plants... I already have a 150wHPS. so i dont think i need anymore lights (unless you think otherwise) I have 3 females (i plan on cloning.) my grow space is my walk in closet. about 3-4ft wide, about 7-8ft in...
  15. markcontrades

    How do i Root clones WITHOUT any type of hormone gel?

    iight well thanks for the advice. im gonna try everything to just experiment. my local hydro store sells olivia gel, is that good also?