Recent content by MindFreak

  1. M

    Flushing every once in awhile

    High Times Royal flush method 1 - Take a contanor of water t medium , slowly poor the water in , let it sit for a few mins so that the salts will have a chance to desolve , take the 2nd amout and slowly poor it in. I belive doing this method will help make it so that the flush before harvest...
  2. M

    Flushing every once in awhile

    well I'm not going to be using organic nutes and I have had some that still had nutes in it. The Strains that are longer (ie 8 weeks) you can get away with 1 week flush
  3. M

    Flushing every once in awhile

    ok cool , I'll prob be feeding my plants once I order seeds and grow them out. and for flowering I might feed them every day then do the royal flush close to the end:leaf:
  4. M

    32 new babies hit the dirt.

    nice clones but they look realy streched , I dk if you did that for a reason or you just fallow the 2 node rule.
  5. M

    Flushing every once in awhile

    I've watched a few videos and they feel their plants every watering but every 2 weeks they do a flush
  6. M

    Question With "Breeding"

    are you trying to take a male and female of the same strain to make seeds or are you mixing strains?
  7. M

    MindFreak's Grow Journal

    Welcom to my grow journal. I am new to farming and I decided that I would perfer to order seeds online since the smoke I get doesn't get seeds and I don't want to buy any smoke that will contain seeds. I have read up alot so I do have an idea what I need to do and what to expect. My room is a...