Recent content by mlad

  1. mlad

    First Grow - 2x White Widow under 250W

    I went to a local shop and told them I could get Da Buddha on eBay for $156 and they sold me one for $180 flat with tax, so I got an awesome deal for a local sale. I love the vape... The hits are so clean you can't even feel it in your lungs, but you blow out a white cloud when you get a big...
  2. mlad

    First Grow - 2x White Widow under 250W

    I checked another spot and it actually looked more cloudy, 80/20 maybe -- definitely no amber though. I certainly cut her early (fdd estimated 2 weeks early in his "is it finished" thread). I'm going to let the other one go as long as it takes though... hopefully she'll finish out strong. She...
  3. mlad

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I cut this girl today for a few reasons, but I am curious how early you think it was. 58 days 12/12, supposedly a White Widow strain. Thanks for keeping up with this thread, I subscribed a long time ago and love it :)
  4. mlad

    1st Harvest - White Widow 58 days - PICS!

    Oops, missed this one :) I think I got it at Walmart. It doesn't do gram factions though, so it's not great for weighing out smaller amounts unfortunately.
  5. mlad

    1st Harvest - White Widow 58 days - PICS!

    It was from seed. I bought White Widow non-fem seeds from It was the first hit on Google when I was searching for seeds and didn't know much about what I was doing at the time. Now that I see other White Widow grows, I suspect that this plant may not have even been one...
  6. mlad

    1st Harvest - White Widow 58 days - PICS!

    Thanks man! I had some nute issues during my grow... I think I fed too much at one point and then fed too little to compensate. It was my first grow! That being said, I think it's pretty normal to have SOME dying off of leaves during the end of the flowering period. :)
  7. mlad

    1st Harvest - White Widow 58 days - PICS!

    This was one of two plants I'm growing and has been 12/12 for 58 days. I went ahead and chopped her early for two reasons: 1) She has been getting more and more seeds. 2) My wife is already complaining about the mellowness of the stone. I wanted to maintain as cerebral of a high as possible...
  8. mlad

    First Grow - 2x White Widow under 250W

    Jane has been 12/12 for 58 days. I went ahead and chopped her early for two reasons: 1) She has been getting more and more seeds. 2) My wife is already complaining about the mellowness of the stone. I wanted to maintain as cerebral of a high as possible, so high ratio of THC is of the utmost...
  9. mlad

    First grow. How did I do?

    Looks great man! Add some details about the grow :)
  10. mlad

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    Really sweet grow man. I have a question about what you said above. I thought the let it rain method meant that you rain and then wait until it dries up, then feed the nutes. What you said here seems like you rain and feed on the same day? Sorry for the noob question, but I'm going to try...
  11. mlad

    First Grow - 2x White Widow under 250W

    I've been finding some seeds on Jane, the smaller one. That means there is pollen floating around in there somehow, even though I've not found any bananas. I posted a thread to ask opinions and some folks think Mary is showing hermi traits. She's definitely underdeveloped compared to Jane...
  12. mlad

    NOOOOO... Help me confirm that this is an evil hermi

    Thanks man! I had a whole range of issues this grow, but I think I'm dialed in for the next. Hoping that this was a mistake on my part and not a pheno issue since I'll be using clones. I guess we'll see :)
  13. mlad

    NOOOOO... Help me confirm that this is an evil hermi

    Thanks bro. This is a personal grow for me and my wife. The only thing I'm wanting out of it is enough product to last until my clones grow up to be big girls. We may consume a few grams a week if it's of decent potency, probably no more than that. I'm thinking I'll be fine with letting them...
  14. mlad

    NOOOOO... Help me confirm that this is an evil hermi

    Thanks for the input. I may watch it for a few days and then warm up the ol' scissors I guess. I must have stressed her too much by breaking her stem during flowering, or maybe let in some light at some point. Oh well, first grows are good for learning. :)
  15. mlad

    NOOOOO... Help me confirm that this is an evil hermi

    No can do that either. I'm in a residential neighborhood. It's pretty much chop it or grow it with another plant. My 2nd plant has many brown pistils and some seeds starting, so I think she's already impregnated at least some. BLEH!