Recent content by Moshkino

  1. Moshkino

    Hermie? :(

    Sorry dont know how to delete posting. Males for sure
  2. Moshkino

    anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>

    I got wind burn running two box fans on high, a friend of mine told me to try use mostly oscilating fans the constant blowing can cause the leaves to rub eachother/ drys the leaves up quick fast. I use box fans above the canopy blowing it toward the lights to help cool and circulate the air.
  3. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    Dude your a fountain of goods man. Ill check with my grow shop and see what organic seaweeds they have, thrive alive sounds familar.
  4. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    Our Ph is definately in that range, last night I added roots organic earthworm castings as a top dress and added Organism XL to it which has the yucca and kelp soluble. Ill give her a day or two and see what reponse it has to that. Definately gonna do the foliar cleanse as well here b4 lights...
  5. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    Maybe just a weak pheno? The rest the girls are on same feed schedule and shes the only one having any issues
  6. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    So methinks the extreme serene may be leaving residues on the leaves probly too much spraying , still thinking doing a pure water foliar spray. I see more spots of dried spray perhaps.
  7. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    Lights on in a couple hours, we shall see, ill post more detailed pics. Thank you guys for putting your minds together for me very much appreciate it.
  8. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    Would it be beneficial to foliar with just water to clear up any potential stomata?
  9. Moshkino

    anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>

    This is a bit extreme but had some wind burn too b4
  10. Moshkino

    anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>

    Do you have alot of fans? Wind burn?
  11. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    No mites under the leaves, thinkin its definately an early stage of mag defeciency. Goin on to next step with amina acid and ill post a follow up picture just for posterity.
  12. Moshkino

    Guess the Strain!!!

    My gawd i fell outa bed laughing so hard
  13. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    Thank you guys ill check into asap, love this place!
  14. Moshkino

    Deficiency Identification help

    The one pic i didnt take, when I get back to the grow ill snap more pics for u, wont be till tomorrow mayhaps.
  15. Moshkino

    THSeeds Wreckage question

    Can u post pics of your wreckage? I started this strain going on day 3 flowering. They are leggy mufuckas