Recent content by Mr. Smiley

  1. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    so yesterday i was just messing with my lighting and moving it around a little. the lamp slipped ouut of my hand and landed right on Milana! It justcompletely sliped out of my hand and it broke off one branch and damaged another just a little. I was really mad that I did that. But I did tell her...
  2. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    So it has been a couple of days since I started to flower. All seems well with Karma and Milana. They look quite healthy and seem to be growing by the second. The growth upon the main 'trunk' of the plants are flourishing. I can see their growth day by day and it never stops. My room is...
  3. Mr. Smiley

    Birdyboy's first grow (wardrobe(closet)/cfls)

    repped and subscribed birdy.
  4. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    thanks a ton too scarhole! i was hoping someone would eventually check me out.ha
  5. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    ha and triple, very true indeed. Right on the bottom of the clip it says "MADE IN CHINA." hmmm im surprised....not.
  6. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    It's day 26 out here in the mini plantation. Karma is about a foot tall and Milana is ehhh 6inches give or take a little. Since I dont have a ton of space to let them grow, I decide to put implement the flowering stage now. My height is about 3 feet tall, so I figure that will be (hopefully)...
  7. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    so i go to buy an extra lamp today. i bought it. come back to my place. i put the light bulb in, plug it in, turn it on, and nothing happens.....absolutely nothing. i hate stupid lamps that don't work. arggh...:finger:
  8. Mr. Smiley

    Anyone ever had leaves grouped together?

    those are some reallly cool lookin leaves!ha. sorry, i am not really useful at all, but i just wanted to comment how silly the leaves look. but good luck with sorting it out and all. i hope all goes well for you.
  9. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    I'm not too sure. I was thinking maybe only a few more days. Karma is about a foot now and Milana is only about 6inches, but I don't really have much room for more growth so I think I will within the next few days.
  10. Mr. Smiley

    Birdyboy's first grow (wardrobe(closet)/cfls)

    Ooooo getting excited for you birdyboy! You are almost there!ha. But some really awesome pictures there, sorry about the one plant dying though. =[ But anyways, keep it up, can't wait for the next update.
  11. Mr. Smiley

    hey triple, i just posted some pictures of my babies. check them out and let me know what you...

    hey triple, i just posted some pictures of my babies. check them out and let me know what you think eh.
  12. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    So I was pretty bored and decided to upload some new pictures. I have some pictures of Karma. You can see that some of her leaves are a little droop, and I now think it is because I was giving her too much water. She is starting to look a little better. I have some pictures of Milana on...
  13. Mr. Smiley

    First Grow Log (J.H. S.L.H. W.W. V.K.)

    It looks great clex!+rep. it looks really good so far for a first time grow. a very clean and tight setup. when are you thinking about starting to flower?
  14. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    Sounds like a plan, thanks for the help! I will be sure to post some pictures though.
  15. Mr. Smiley

    Just Another Grow Journal

    About once, maybe twice during the "day" cycle. I am on a 20/4 schedule. Is this not enough??