Recent content by MrGreen187

  1. MrGreen187

    New Hairs Turning Brown At The Ends?

    Now that u say that it kinda does. I don't see any testies, but the bud does look kinda bumpy. Keep an eye on those hairs, cuz if it is male then the hairs will brown and stay short. Each seed will have like 1 hair poking out of it. Another sign of male is that for being in bud growth stage the...
  2. MrGreen187

    New Hairs Turning Brown At The Ends?

    What are the high and low temps?? What are the high and low levels of humidity??
  3. MrGreen187

    New Hairs Turning Brown At The Ends?

    Do you have fans and how close are they?? I had a similar problem with windburn on a few of my babies, turning my solid white hairs brown do to fans being to close to the plants. Moved fans a bit and 2 weeks later problem solved.
  4. MrGreen187

    Possibilities of getting caught by electric increase...

    Dude, if ur only running a 400 watt MH, you are definitely NOT going to have to worry about friggin' choppers thermal imaging ur place man. 400 watts is nothing, some of these growers are running 20,000+ watt grows and don't have to worry about choppers. My home stereo system puts out more than...
  5. MrGreen187

    Anouther week of flowering she looks nice what u think

    Ya, the top couple inches always dry fast, but if you were to get water saturation tester, like $10 at any grow shop. And stuck it down in the soil it would read that it has plenty. I would buy one, it's cheap and helps a lot. I'm at week 4 1/2 and here what my babies look like. So i...
  6. MrGreen187

    Anouther week of flowering she looks nice what u think

    I'm in the middle of week 4 of bloom and at this point i'm only needing to water like every 3-4 days. You might be over watering a bit.
  7. MrGreen187

    Anouther week of flowering she looks nice what u think

    Looks pretty good, a lil' stretched and the new grrowth looks a bit like the tips are curling up. I'd look into that here on RIU. What is ur PH runoff?? How often do you water?? What kinda lights you running and how high off the plant are they and how close are your fans to ur plants??
  8. MrGreen187

    Lets grow 10 pz together !

    And don't forget to get plenty of sleep before school lil' fella!!
  9. MrGreen187

    Lets grow 10 pz together !

    God damn!! Seriously!! I didn't realize we all were psychics here on RIU, that we all know what the "Upgrades" are, that your going to be doing. According to ur post all you have now is 1 - 400HPS, let us know when u "Upgrade" that little guy. By the way, MH is a waste of time and money. Have...
  10. MrGreen187

    Lets grow 10 pz together !

    Your not going to be able to produce much even with 10 under 1 - 400HPS. I can hardly fit 6 under 1 - 600HPS. The outer plants won't get enough light.
  11. MrGreen187

    removing leaves during flowering?

    Yup, and if u only have 3 weeks left, that's like the most important time, so no need to stress your plant by stripping leaves this late in the game.
  12. MrGreen187

    Kinda lost here. (pics inside)

    Ceramic or plastic, the ones that come with the ceramic pots are to small. You only have one drain hole so the moment you put it down on that saucer it seals the hole up and doesn't allow very much air uptake through your soil. which ur roots need to survive. Get rid of that tester, it's only...
  13. MrGreen187

    removing leaves during flowering?

    Like Jorge Cervantes says, "Leave leaves alone." Buds don't need direct sunlight to grow. The leaves soaking up the light will provide for the buds. Only remove leaves that are 50% or more degraded. Yes, 1 issue doing indoor is you'll always end up with popcorn buds from the lower branches, but...
  14. MrGreen187

    Sudden wilting of plant!!

    Pick up some SuperThrive or NoShock. Oh and go to ur local grow store and or Home Depot or something and buy a bunch of skinny bamboo stakes to keep ur baby upright.
  15. MrGreen187

    Kinda lost here. (pics inside)

    Dude, don't put crushed glass in ur soil!!! That has bad idea all over it. So ur tap water is a 7.0, but ur bringing the PH down to 5.0 - 5.5 before each water?? Pot plants perfect PH level of water they like is 6.5. Oh, and get rid of those ceramic water catcher saucers. Get some bigger deeper...