Recent content by MrMisterz

  1. M

    TGA Agent Orange. Have you smoked/grown it?

    "there's always shrooms too. i was given a handful at a concert by a dude i hooked up with 3rd row seats for his friends. it was a really happy experience. i was surprised that there were no sensory effects like trippy weed strains or acid have, but it was an awesome happy feeling like...
  2. M

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    I agree small orders under 20 seeds and ATTITUDE is BY FAR the best place to shop, I have yet to not get what I paid for!
  3. M

    Is safe?

    NO JOKE! Anyone putting themselves in the pic with their "work" is clearly not thinking at all!
  4. M

    So does anyone....

    Ok so I've been growing 4 years, smoking for the last 7 or 8 and I just stopped smoking 2 weeks ago today. No I didn't stop growing or sharing, but I don't partake anymore. What do you think my buddies really think of that? I quit just because I like to control my own life, I'm pretty addicted...
  5. M

    Do NOT buy salvia from is a rip off to say the least of it, if you pester them you MIGHT get a plant, a sick one, BUT to come to find out it wasn't just sick, it was infested with SPIDER MITES! Now I have to deal with getting rid of them off my weed plants too. To make it short I was promised a...
  6. M

    zombies and bath salts?

    I'm not sure why anyone that isn't already brain dead wound want to fool with that junk..... They were probably already a zombie, the drugs made it worse.... maybe.... The bath salts are just completely dumb period.
  7. M

    My basement Fresca Sol setup

    Yeah I'm going to take pics next week, my room is a huge mess right now had 2 big harvest and only have a few plants under 1 light right now, waiting till I get the veggers in there and I am going to get some pics. Thanks. No the FrescaSol fixtures use 2 glass plates that hold the water, the...
  8. M

    How can i effectively shield myself from thermal scanning?

    I use FrescaSol fixtures, I wonder how that would show up on IR..... My lights are water cooled and my room is much cooler than any that uses air cooling. Not to mention, mine is way easier to cool.
  9. M

    new at this dont no what kind of plant this is????

    Looks like you are growing weed to me!
  10. M

    First plant ever hows she lookin?

    That's not the white hairs you are looking for.....
  11. M

    Can you hermie a male into a female?

    No a male is a male. There will be nothing to smoke
  12. M

    Using 400 watt HID to start seedlings?

    If you 12/12 from seed, you will have a MUCH smaller plant with MUCH LESS BUD to smoke. There is a good reason for 18/6 veg....
  13. M


    RO water = NOT GOOD FOR WEED You should try rain water, creek water, something with minerals in it.... RO and ESPECIALLY distilled water are not good.
  14. M

    How to Turn cistern into well insulated room.

    I have GOT to see this, next place I rent will have to have a cistern, this would be the best!
  15. M

    Texas Outlaw gen.Grow.Purple Og,Lemon Og.

    Sex is already determined by the seed, all you can do is make it mad and cause it to hermie. If a female spawns some nuts and self pollinates the outcome seeds will be female about 90-95% of the time, for me its more like 99-100% I haven't had my own seeds EVER produce a male EVER. The kind of...