Recent content by MrPaxo

  1. M

    CBD caps clean?

    Hmmm.. you make it sound easy.... I am going down to a few dispensaries to find out how to get legal. My family MD will not help. Thanks
  2. M

    CBD caps clean?

    Thanks Rooster, I have them bookmarked.
  3. M

    CBD caps clean?

    The disturbing thing about this situation, is how do I get a reliable clean medication? The 20 mg CBD caps we got labelled ONNIS seem to be fine, so we can continue to use them. They are nicely packaged and labelled, so they give me more confidence than the 10 mgs caps which I purchased loose...
  4. M

    CBD caps clean?

    My good wife has arthritis in her hands, knees, hips, everywhere. When diagnosed by a multitude of doctors, their only solution was Naproxin, prednisone, and methotrexate. I'll leave you to Google those drugs, but we soon learned of the side effects. So we turned to cannabis. With amazing...
  5. M

    oak wardrobe organic grow

    Hey man, just finished reading your whole journal, I'm very impresed. I'm not sure I'll go full on organic, though... What catches my eye was the scrog. I'll be growing in a small space much like your cabinet, and scrog seems the ideal way to maximise your yield. So. as I understand the...
  6. M

    Is it tincture or is it oil?

    Yeah, I was going to start with 1/2... So, I think its obvious that this was not a wise purchase. I'm sure I can find a reliable supplier of CCO. Meanwhile, we'll try out this stuff and let you know how it goes.
  7. M

    Is it tincture or is it oil?

    Yes, confusing... I found out the manufacturer, and I'll try reaching out to them.. I'll letcha know
  8. M

    Is it tincture or is it oil?

    What do you think would be a good starting dosage? The eyedropper, when full, holds 2ml. I was thinking of trying 1/2 eyedropper, 1 ml, to gauge the effect. The bottle holds 30 ml and the label says the 440 mg CBD. So presumably each ml should contain 440/30 = 14.6 mg per ml. Is 14.6 mg of...
  9. M

    Is it tincture or is it oil?

    Well, my "oil" finally arrived. It suffered through an address error and so it took a while to arrive. Now, I'm not sure what I have. Here's the labelling: PURE CBD TINCTURE CO2 extracted CBD Hemp oil in Coconut Carrier Oil And on the back: DOSAGE: 3 ml ~ 25 mg (threshold dose) Users can...
  10. M

    Returning newbie

    Yeah... I'm not really concerned with the cost of the coco, but rather the risks and exposure in dumping it. I remember years ago, I was super paranoid taking my cuttings and root trash out to a dumpster. But if the increased yield is that significant, I'm sure i'll find a way; :) Thanks
  11. M

    Returning newbie

    Thanks for your good wishes. I'm not against using F&D again. But i will be using advanced methods like super-cropping and topping. Where previously I had 25-30 pots on a 4'by 8' table, I'm hoping I can reduce that to 6 or so.
  12. M

    Returning newbie

    I looked up air pots and they seem great. certainly better than the mesh pots i used 24 years ago. Thanks
  13. M

    Returning newbie

    Drip uses emitters, right? If so, i assume you need more than one emitter per plant to ensure enough nutrients get to all the roots. is that right? If you are using a recirculating system, why not remove the emitters and let the nutrients flow, full force from the tube? Please understand, i'm...
  14. M

    Returning newbie

    Just so I understand, you are suggesting a flood and drain setup, with the plants rooted into coco... in cups/buckets? Thanks
  15. M

    Returning newbie

    I visited a local store and the woman there told me that normally growers don't recycle coco atfer use. Is she right, or is she just hoping to sell me lots of coco? She also suggested that for a 4X8 ft table I'd need TWO 1000W HPS. She said LED just doesn't do the job as well, despite the...