Nambud76's latest activity

  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to Paul-n-Chukka's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    Boom fiya notso fiya ?? Haha that guy got midwest famous for some pretty pics. I've also heard his truffle lends a helping herm when...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to nxsov180db's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    The 10k$ clone thing is more of a marketing scheme than anything, they aren’t actually selling the clones for that much, I mean they...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to Gotthatkill's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    Everyone has the right to purchase and also the right not too. Cannabis marketing is the biggest scam out there. Nobody makes anything...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to higher self's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    How many of these hype clones were found from 500 plant pheno hunt tho? Also for most part all I see is the same boring cookie gelato...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to Kami Samurai's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    I’m sure the people who are on disability because of their chronic illness that actually use cannabis medicinally, that allowed the wave...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to MOMedical's post in the thread STRAINLY with Haha Haha.
    Just buy seeds if you can't afford good clean cuts. Hope you can find some heaters and weed out the bad ones, herms, etc. You know...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to waterproof808's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    They need to be testing roots for HpLVd, not just leaves...
  • Nambud76
    Nambud76 reacted to Kami Samurai's post in the thread STRAINLY with Like Like.
    500$?!? I can’t justify spending that much. What are normal people suppose to do with like kids or medical bills who just want quality...