Recent content by nitrobud

  1. N

    Dead from the neck up?

    John, I think people just want you to ask your questions and keep the moaning and groaning about how horrible this place is to yourself. Why even keep posting or coming here if it is so bad? Lets just try and keep things on a positive note and not blame things on others who have no obligation...
  2. N

    Epsom salts - GOOD OR BAD

    What would you rather have, 2 Good plants and 5 Messed up plants. Or 5 Good plants and 2 dead plants? Either move them, or let nature take its course.
  3. N

    Stem Rot?

    Typical for an aero garden. Almost always get some sort of mold on the bottom of the plants. Even the places I've seen them setup have mold on the base of the stem. You should have also made dark caps to replace the stock ones. Helps prevent it from starting on the sponge in the first place...
  4. N

    Is there such a thing as to much light?

    are your plants showing stress?
  5. N

    Is there such a thing as to much light?

    Short answer, Yes. Remember these plants used to grow outdoors. If you want to assume what the plants would be used to, I would look to nature. And in nature, the peak you usually see on average (well, not even average a bit higher /w canada included) is 1000 Watts a Square meter. (1 (sq...
  6. N

    Need to cool my grow room down!

    Um, from what I understood, you should NOT be sticking a 400w bulb in a 600w balast... You are asking for a fire. Go buy a fan. Keep the door closed. Then cry you are unable to make any holes. Unless you can mount your exhaust to a window or into the attic, you will be screwed. You have to...
  7. N

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    The "Dark Matter" isn't missing, it just Isn't "visible" in the traditional electromagnetic sense. However, it can be seen through its gravitational influence. Our eyes can't see IR light... Doesn't mean it is not there. Technology has found a way around this issue (Cameras see IR), just like...
  8. N

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    RAmen brother... I guess this explains why many think John McCain would be the best candidate to elect in to office. During his term most likely, he will be able to take up the White House in the sky and maybe reverse all these disasters that are happening. LOL @ Idea of an afterlife.
  9. N

    Shed Grow?

    Hi, it is 2008, this problem has been solved with the right film.
  10. N

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    ... he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. (Isaiah 11:12) After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, ... (Revelation 7:1) Oh Lord, ... to you the nations will come from the ends of the earth...
  11. N

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    What?! 1 Kings 7:23 "He made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about." Circumference = Pi() x Diameter, which means the line would have to have been over 31 cubits...
  12. N

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    The bible is used to justify everything from Murder to Rape... So its expected at least someone would use it to justify their marijuana usage.
  13. N

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    Thus making it more prone to error and for translators/editors/individuals to inject their own opinion over time. That's why there isn't THE bible.. there are BIBLES. At this point in time, there are many versions of the SAME book. So apparently even the translators didn't read it enough. But...
  14. N

    Here's a good reason not to use tap water

    Mine comes out at 10ppm. Meter tests fine in calibration solution.
  15. N

    PH lavel in water and Nutriants

    Have you tested for the total dissolved solids from both taps? I would assume if one has a higher count, it is contaminated in some way. I seriously don't understand how the pH could be altered like that between two different taps. Especially if the water is from the same source...