Recent content by NovusSpiritus

  1. NovusSpiritus

    Best Smoking Session You Ever Had

    Years ago, me and a bunch of friends I'd known forever pitched in and got an O of Strawberry Cough X Trainwreck. After getting stoned to the bone, we came up with "The Tribe"; an equal ratio of guys and gals, complete with rules and a hierarchy - there were regular members, shamans, chiefs, and...
  2. NovusSpiritus

    Bump If You're Baked!

    :-( I think I'm going to dog just shattered my prize bong - it was a 2 foot double chambered beautiful ice catchin' monster :-( thank god I have my other one...
  3. NovusSpiritus

    Roots Above Ground

    LMFAO...I love when people attempt to bullshit others when they have no idea what they're talking about. :dunce: But really, I need to go to the store now. I have to pick up some glucose oxidase, (an enzyme) a shit ton of gatorade (for electrolytes) and I have to ask the guy at the nursery...
  4. NovusSpiritus

    Cutting fan leaves

    Thanks, UB :) coming from you, that means a lot! Like I stated in another thread, every time I read "I heard from someone, somewhere..." I cringe, because I know the text following that sentence is probably going to be some ridiculous "if you lick the fan leaves twice a day, the enzymes in your...
  5. NovusSpiritus

    boiling or hot water in roots ON HARVEST DAY??

    OMG...anytime I read a post that begins with "I heard from someone, somewhere..." I cringe. You are on the INTERNET. Do you have any idea how much info is out there? Why don't you do some research into it so you have the info first hand instead of listening to some idiot spewing old wives tales...
  6. NovusSpiritus

    Cutting fan leaves

    HAHHAHAAA...Oh my god...just wow...that's hilarious :lol: Your theory? Why don't you do some research outside internet forums...maybe take a look at just ONE of the MANY books/articles on botany that have already proven your "theory" to be totally bunk and waaaaaay counter-productive. I just...
  7. NovusSpiritus

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    *SIGH* :wall: Botany 101 Plants need energy to grow, to replace worn out cells, to get rid of waste, and to reproduce. All organisms get energy from food. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make food. Only plants can make food. In this process carbon dioxide and water combine...
  8. NovusSpiritus

    help diagnose my plants PLEASE

    :neutral: DAMN. :confused: PCP is one helluva drug :lol: :twisted: What an ungrateful biotch...:roll::roll::roll:
  9. NovusSpiritus

    What is your theme song of the day?

    Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company
  10. NovusSpiritus

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Just took another huge hit of Trainwreck X Strawberry Cough from Bongus Maximus and man, am I fuckin ripped...I'm sure the 30mgs of percocet I fed my nose helped too...:roll::lol: bongsmilie:leaf::hump:
  11. NovusSpiritus

    Percocet withdrawal

    So you cut them into 7.5's? How often did you used to dose? A 7.5 here and there shouldn't pose much of a threat for withdrawal may feel a teeny bit bummed but it will subside :) I was on 30mgs for my back and frankly, I used weed to help with the withdrawal symptoms...I was tired...
  12. NovusSpiritus


    ME TOO!!! Have you checked out Highschool of the Dead? It's full of anime girls with big boobies :D
  13. NovusSpiritus

    Please Delete My Account Please Delete

    Congratulations? :-| :lol:
  14. NovusSpiritus

    Smoking girls out

    Whoa whoa...:-P I kinda take offense to this because I'm a chick and EVERYONE comes to me to get smoked up...I grow too (but they don't know Point is, if they're not contributing and they're showing up for the sole purpose of getting some smoke out of you and don't care about much...
  15. NovusSpiritus

    So, anyone else really like learning about the universe?

    I VOTE FOR THIS TOPIC!!! :mrgreen: P.S. - I'm with you on not letting this thread die...I can just see all the wild things people have to say and all the scenarios that might play out depending on who says what...fascinating stuff, the working mind :)